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dc.contributor.advisorVan Aarde, A.G.
dc.contributor.authorVan Wyk, Barend Jacobus
dc.descriptionPhD (New Testament), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2016en_US
dc.description.abstractIn die lig van die titel fokus die proefskrif op die twee Nuwe-Testamentiese geskrifte Kolossense en Efesiërs waarin pertinent gestel word dat Jesus Christus die Hoof van die ἐθθιεζία (kerk) is en vestig dus op ʼn pars pro toto (deel vir die geheel) basis die aandag op die uitgangspunt dat die Bybel die antwoord en vindplaas is waarin die hedendaagse kerklike onvergenoegdheid ʼn antwoord vind. Sodoende word veral op Efesiërs gefokus wat naas die hoofskap van Christus die Gees as waarborg van die erfdeel van gelowiges beskryf. Die relevansie van dié twee briewe is egter nie net ekklesiologies van aard nie, maar die twee briewe toon ook ʼn onderlinge verwantskap wat as ʼn sinoptiese-probleem beskou kan word. Een van die nuwe sake wat wel in die Efesiërbrief voorkom en in die Kolossensebrief afwesig is, is Efesiërs se verwysing na die Gees as ἀξξαβώλ (Ef 1:14). Die studie se fundamentele vertrekpunt is dat hierdie verwysing besondere betekenis vir hedendaagse kerk-wees inhou. Om dié uitgangspunt te substansieer, is dit nodig om die raakpunte en verskille tussen hierdie twee Nuwe-Testamentiese briewe te ondersoek. Hierdie vergelykende ondersoek word in die onderhawige ondersoek vanuit ʼn bepaalde eksegetiese metode met betrekking tot ʼn bepaalde sosiaal-wetenskaplike model gedoen. Die metode is komposisie-analise en die model is meningsvormer („change agent’). Met behulp van hierdie metode en model word ʼn bepaalde navorsingsleemte in die eksegetiese en teologiese ondersoek na die Kolossense- en Efesiërbrief gevul. In die studie word ʼn oorsig gegee van bestaande navorsing ten opsigte van die twee briewe in die Corpus Paulinum. Daarnaas word die twee briewe komposisie-analities vergelyk en gefokus op bepaalde sleutelwoorde. In die slothoofstuk word verwys na invloedryke teoloë sedert die Reformasie wat deur Bybelse eksegese die verband tussen Jesus Christus as Hoof van die kerk, asook die Gees as waarborg van die erfdeel van gelowiges aangetoon het. Die studie kom tot die slotsom dat die antwoord op die huidige kerklike impasse gesoek en gevind moet word in die besef dat die kerk nie anders bestaan en oorleef as ʼn kerk in die kragveld van die Gees nie. In light of the title, this thesis focuses on the two New Testament letters to the Colossians and the Ephesians wherein it is pertinently stated that Jesus Christ is the head of the ἐθθιεζία (church) and focuses the attention in a pars pro toto (a part of the whole) manner on the viewpoint that the Bible provides the answer and serves as the locality from which the modern ecclesiastical discontent finds answers. The Ephesians in particular emphasises the fact that in addition to the headship of Christ, the Spirit is the guarantor of the heritage of believers. The relevance of these two letters is, however, not just of an ecclesiastic nature but also shows a mutual relationship which may be viewed as a synoptic problem. One of the new matters that occur in the letter to the Ephesians but absent from the letter to the Colossians, is the reference to the Spirit as ἀξξαβώλ (Eph.1:14) This study‟s fundamental point of departure is that this reference is of fundamental significance for the modern sense of being inherent to the church. To substantiate this viewpoint, it is necessary to investigate the various differences and similarities between these two New Testament letters. This comparative investigation is approached by means of a certain exegetical-scientific method that has bearing on a defined social-scientific model. The method is composition analysis and the model is change agent. With the help of this method and model, a certain void in the exegetical and theological research in respect of the letters to the Colossians and Ephesians is filled. In this study, an overview of the existing research in respect of the two letters in the Corpus Paulinum is provided. Hereafter, the two letters are compared from a composition-analytical point of view, with a special focus on certain key phrases. In the closing chapter, reference is made to certain influential theologians from the time of the Reformation who have, through Biblical exegesis, shown the link between Jesus Christ as Head of the church as well as the Spirit as the guarantor of the heritage of believers. The study concludes that the answer to the current impasse in the church may be found in the belief that the church cannot exist in any form other than a church in the field of force of the Spirit.en_US
dc.publisherNorth-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campusen_US
dc.subjectComposition analysisen_US
dc.subjectChange agencyen_US
dc.subjectChange agenten_US
dc.titleJesus Christus as kefalē en die Gees as arrabōn vir die ekklēsia : 'n eksegeties-hermeneutiese studieen_US

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