
No. 78, July 2017


Book reviews


For the July 2017 issue of New Contree no less than four articles deal with specific groups of people – you will read about the hippie counter culture in Cape Town (an interesting and captivating contribution by Albert Grundlingh); the British Coloureds in Sophia Town (based on thorough research by Charmaine Hlongwane); the historiographically valuable piece on the Tembe tribe of Maputo Bay (presented by Mandla Mathebula) and then also an informative and critical deliberation on the two cousins: the Netherlands and Afrikaner nationalists (by Patrick Furlong). Sudré Havenga and Andre Wessels slightly change the “group” focus when exchanging information on the money history of the former Republic of the Free State since the mid ninety century up to 1902. That the Free State never had their own coinage but at least since 1865 the well-known “blue backs” paper money (on blue paper) shimmers a very valuable part of daily economic life and culture that contribute to an understanding of the economic trading practises of the time.

Eight book reviews are included, of which three covers personalities in different research and writing genres, namely Paul Kruger’s speeches; an autobiography of Hermann Giliomee and Harold Wolpe’ critical views of apartheid. Then four reviews informs on issues or/and phenomena of states, regions and places. They are TV Bulpin’s aged, but valued work on the golden Republic; Karel Schoeman’s contribution on the Dutch East Indian Company’s last years of administration in the Cape; Michael Bratton’s Zimbabwe and violent power politics and lastly a history of West Africa before the colonial era by Basil Davidson. The Zulu kingdom of the Shaka era by Elizabeth Eldredge, in which the role of women is accentuated more, is a valuable and welcomed refreshed view on Shaka and the Zulu kingdom.

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