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dc.contributor.authorVorster, Jakobus Men_US
dc.identifier.citationVORSTER, J.M. 2009. Versoening "in Christus" en sosio-politiek versoening. NGTT: Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif = Dutch Reformed Theological Journal, 50(3 & 4):552-565, Sep./Dec.[]en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Christian concept of reconciliation has become a popular concept in socio-political transitions and the implementation of transitional justice. In this process the concept is often reduced to a social catchphrase. This article argues that the Christian concept of reconciliation "in Christ" can be applied more positively in these circumstances when the concept is transposed in its complete biblical meaning into social action in societies in transition. An implementation of reconciliation "in Christ" in a socio-political transition implies first of all that the message of reconciliation in Christ should be preached as part of Christian evangelism. However, the message should also be realised in actions of peace-seeking and the promotion of principles such as truth-telling, confession, repentance, and a willingness to encourage restitution and nation-building. Such a complete transposition of reconciliation "in Christ" will do justice to the fullness of the biblical significance of the concept and is a powerful tool for Christians and churches in their quest for a just socio-political dispensation.
dc.publisherOpenJournals Publishing
dc.titleVersoening "in Christus" en sosio-politiek versoeningen_US

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