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dc.contributor.authorCarruthers, E J
dc.identifier.citationCarruthers, E.J. 1981. The growth of local self-government in the peri-urban areas north of Johannesburg, 1939 to 1969. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 10:16-23, Jul. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Suid-Afrika het in die twintiger- en dertigerjare van hierdie eeu met onbeheerde en snelle verstedeliking te doen gehad. Die gesondheidsvraagstukke wat geskep is deur nedersettings in die randgebiede van stede en dorpe het onder die aandag van die Unieregering gekom en in 1938 is 'n komitee aangestel om die saak te ondersoek. Een van die komitee se aanbevelings was dat die buitestedelike gebiede noord van Johannesburg aan die een of ander vorm van plaaslike bestuur onderhewig moet wees. Die Gesondheidsraad vir Buitestedelike Gebiede is in 1943 in die lewe geroep om daarvoor voorsiening te maak. Drie plaaslike gebiedskomitees is geskep, naamlik Noordelike Johannesburg, Noordoostelike Johannesburg en Noordwestelike Johannesburg. Ten spyte van die praktiese voordele wat hierdie administrasie ingehou het, het die inwoners van genoemde gebiede herhaaldelik gepoog om vry te raak van beheer deur die Gesondheidsraad. Hierdie pogings het uiteindelik gelei tot die totstandkoming van Randburg in 1959 en Sandton tien jaar later.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: Irregular and rapid urbanisation became a feature of South Africa in the I920s and 1930s. The health problems presented by settlements on the periphery of towns and cities attracted the attention of the Union government, and in 1938 a committee was appointed to investigate the matter. One of the recommendations of this committee was that the peri-urban areas to the north of Johannesburg be subjected to some form of local government. The Peri-Urban Areas Health Board was established in 1943 to provide this. Three local area committees were created in this area: Northern Johannesburg, North-Eastern Johannesburg, and North-Western Johannesburg. Despite the practical benefits of its administration, the residents of these areas attempted on numerous occasions to secede from the control of the Peri-Urban Board. These efforts culminated in the foundation of Randburg in 1959 and Sandton in 1969.
dc.publisherAfdeling Streekgeskiedenis van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Section for Regional History, Institute for Historical Research, HSRCen_US
dc.titleThe growth of local self-government in the peri-urban areas north of Johannesburg, 1939 to 1969.en_US

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