Browsing by Title
Now showing items 19964-19983 of 35672
Kaempferol as selective human MAO‑A inhibitor: analytical detection in Calabrian red wines, biological and molecular modeling studies
(ACS, 2016)The purpose of this work was to determine the kaempferol content in three red wines of Calabria, a southern Italian region with a great number of certified food products. Considering that wine cultivar, climate, and soil ... -
Kaizen vir 'n suksesvolle entrepreneur / Sarah Susanna Visser
(Potchefstroom : Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys. Publikasiebeheerkomitee., 1998) -
Die Kalahari–Doppers : geskiedenis van die Gereformeerde Kerk Ghanzi
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1985) -
The Kalam cosmological argument and the Infinite God Objection
(Springer, 2015)In this article, we evaluate various responses to a noteworthy objection, namely, the infinite God objection to the kalām cosmological argument. As regards this objection, the proponents of the kalām argument face a ... -
Kalanga culture and the nature of resistance against the Native Land Husbandry Act of 1951 in colonial Zimbabwe
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2018)In this article the nature of resistance to the implementation of the Native Land Husbandry Act of 1951 (NLHA), popularly known as amagandiya in Bulilimamangwe, in colonial Zimbabwe is explored. It looks at two Kalanga ... -
The Kalām Cosmological Argument and the Infinite God Object
(2014)My overall claim in this paper is twofold: Firstly, the activity of developing arguments in favour of the existence of the Christian God is tenable and worthwhile and, secondly, the “infinite God objection” fails to undermine ... -
Kalman Filter based RFID tag velocity estimation in the presence of frequency hopping
(IEEE, 2019)This paper compares different techniques for estimating the velocity of UHF RFID tags within practical applications. We use COTS RFID equipment complying with ISO18000-6C standards, including the use of frequency hopping, ... -
Kan die GKSA na 150 jaar beskou word as 'n stagnante kerkgemeenskap? Ekumenies beoordeel
(Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2009)The question is whether the Reformed Churches in South Africa (RCSA) should be considered as an isolated and thus a stagnated church community. To answer this question the development of ecumenicism in the RCSA should be ... -
"Kan die vrou haar volk dien deur haar huis?": Afrikanerpolitiek en vrou in die Ossewa-Brandwag, 1942 tot 1954
(University of the Free State, 2015)The “Ossewa-Brandwag” (OB or Oxwagon Sentinel) was a mass-movement of Afrikaners following a non-party political strategy in order to gain power in a white dominated South Africa. The organisation, which gained its highest ... -
Kan het daderschap van pesterijen verklaard worden via het job demands–resources model?
(Boom Lemma uitgevers, 2012)Workplace bullying leads to negative consequences and should be prevented. Studies investigating antecedents of bullying showed however two shortcomings. First, they mainly focused on targets, so little is known about ... -
Kandyba-Foxcroft, E. 1981. Russia and the Anglo-Boer War 1899 - 1902. [Book review]
(Afdeling Streekgeskiedenis van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Section for Regional History, Institute for Historical Research, HSRC, 1983) -
Kanker as lewensnood: voorlopige merkers vir die pastoraat
(Publisher: Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2008) -
Kanker- en niekankerpasiënte se belewenis van die luistergroeptegniek
(North-West University, 2006)The aim with this research was to determine how cancer patients (the inner group) and non-cancer patients (the listening group) experience the listening group technique. A qualitative research design was utilised. The ... -
Kannaland - 'n verdwene streeknaam.
(Afdeling Streekgeskiedenis van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Section for Regional History, Institute for Historical Research, HSRC, 1982)• Opsomming: Nadat dit vir die eerste keer in 1752 op die togkaart van die Beutler-ekspedisie ingeskryf is, het die benaming Kannaland teen die volgende dekade 'n algemene geografiese verwysing geword. Ten spyte van ... -
Kanoko ya morero wa bolwantshaaparteite mo pokong ya magareng le ya segompieno ya Setswana
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)Maitlhomomagolo a patlisiso eno ke go tlhotlhomisa le go kanoka tlhagelelo le tlhagiso ya morero wa Maitelo, bogolosegolo wa Bolwantsha-Aparteite mo pokong ya magareng le ya segompieno ya Setswana, ka go dirisa maboko a a ... -
Kanoko ya Teseletso le Taolelo mo mokwalong le mopeleto wa Setswana mo Aforika Borwa : Ka Tiori ya Tumalano
(North-West University (South Africa), 2023)The research will outline the purpose and structure of this dissertation entitled: An investigation into regulation and non-regulation of the writing and spelling of Setswana in South Africa: A Consensus Theory Perspective. This ... -
Kanoniek van die Nuwe Testament : Diktaat / W.J. Snyman
(Potchefstroom : Pro Rege-Pers Beperk, 1968) -
Kapasiteitsbepaling in verhouding teenoor kosprys en wins
(North-West University (South Africa), 1973)"No abstract" -
Kapitaalbegrotingstegnieke vir projekte onder inflasionistiese toestande met spesiale verwysing na die ingenieurssektor
(North-West University (South Africa), 1979)"No abstract" -
Kapitaalwinsbelasting en die toekomstige implementering daarvan in Suid-Afrika
(North-West University (South Africa), 1994)CAPITAL GAINS TAX AND THE FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION THEREOF IN SOUTH AFRICA No definition of a capital gain is contained in the Income Tax Law. The intention of the taxpayer is conclusive in determining whether a profit is ...