Browsing by Title
Now showing items 35417-35436 of 35672
A wireless sensor network testbed for the evaluation of energy-aware routing schemes
(Sage, 2014)Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are receiving a lot of research attention due to continual improvement in the technologies used by these networks. The energy efficiency of sensor nodes and the network as a whole is of ... -
Wisdom and salvation history in the wisdom Psalms
(North-West University, 2008)This dissertation is an exploration of the relationship of wisdom to salvation history in the book of Psalms. The notional starting point of this thesis is a conviction that there might be a juncture at which the two themes ... -
Wisdom as outcome of the pastoral process: reflections on a positive pastoral narrative approach
(AOSIS, 2015)From a South African perspective, pastoral care is typically concerned with the solving or resolving of critical issues such as marital crises or depression. It represents an approach that is based on a medical or disease ... -
Wisdom’s rebellion: Kingdom politics as a guerrilla drama
(AOSIS, 2015)This article aims at exploring kingdom politics in South Africa as a guerrilla drama, not only of a contemporary play of wisdom as human virtue, but specifically in the form of the personified Wisdom’s play (cf. Christ’s ... -
“Wisdom” and “toil” in the Royal Experiment of Ecclesiastes 1:12 – 2:26 : a grammatico-historical study
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2023)In recent years, numerous studies have attempted to approach the book of Ecclesiastes using different methodologies. This has resulted in various interpretations. This is also the case for smaller parts of Ecclesiastes, ... -
Wiskunde en werklikheid / Jacobus Johannes Grobler
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO, 1976) -
Wiskundeprestasie, verbale en nie-verbale redeneringsvermoë by swart standerd 5-leerlinge : 'n psigometriese ondersoek
(North-West University (South Africa), 1981)1. INTRODUCTION According to Van Staden (1975, p.viii) there is an urgent need for psychological and scholastic achievement tests for Black ethnic groups. The Department of Education and Training was aware of this need ... -
Wiskunde–onderwysers se reflektiewe klaskamerpraktyk en die gehalte van onderrig
(AOSIS, 2012)Researchers and theorists differ whether teachers’ reflection on their classroom practices and teaching mathematics effectively are linked or not. This study aims to align the benefits of reflective practice with the ... -
Die wiskundige bevoegdheid en prestasie van eerstejaar–ingenieurstudente
(2013)Basic mathematical competency seems to be lacking for engineering students starting their studies in this field. Students generally find the cognitive transition from secondary to tertiary mathematics challenging which in ... -
Wisselkoersblootstelling van multinasionale ondernemings in Suid-Afrika
(North-West University, 2004)Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are central drivers behind neo-liberal globalisation. These enterprises are usually centred in developed countries, with competitive operations in developing countries. The literature on ... -
Wisselwerking tussen S|2-blootstelling en droogte op die groei, fotosintese en simbiotiese stikstofbinding van sojabone
(OpenJournals Publishing,, 2009) -
Withania somnifera as a topical anti-melanoma agent
(North-West University (South Africa), 2016)In recent years people have become more attuned to the use of natural products for medicinal purposes as the belief is that natural products have fewer side effects. While it is true that natural products have medicinal ... -
Wither thou the African peer review mechanism process? / Ernest Peprah Ababio
(Vanderbijlpark : North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009-10-30) -
Withholding tax on service fees as a method to combat base erosion and profit shifting
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2015)Around the globe, including in South Africa, there has been an increasing occurrence of cross-border service fees being used by multinational enterprises to shift profits. South Africa did not have legislation to implement ... -
Within-subject blood pressure level – not variability – predicts fatal and nonfatal outcomes in a general population
(American Heart Association, 2012)To assess the prognostic significance of blood pressure (BP) variability, we followed health outcomes in a family-based random population sample representative of the general population (n=2944; mean age: 44.9 years; 50.7% ... -
Witz, L. 1988. Write your own history. [Book review]
(The South African Society of History Teaching, 1989) -
‘Wo soll ich hinfliehen vor diesem Mensch?’: een luisteroefening in Ludwig Hofacker (1797−1828)
(OASIS, 2013)OPSOMING: De aanwezigheid van de levende God in preken kunnen wij niet terzijde stellen of verontachtzamen. Waar dit wel gebeurt, daar wordt verkondiging een voordracht, zonder de volmacht. Orthodoxie komt in ademnood ... -
Woefzela - an open-source platform for ASR data collection in the developing world
(Interspeech 2011, 2011)Building transcribed speech corpora for under-resourced languages plays a pivotal role in developing speech technologies for such languages. We have developed an open-source tool for devices running the Android operating ... -
Wolof Speech Recognition Model of Digits and Limited-Vocabulary Based on HMM and ToolKit
(Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), 2012 UKSim 14th International Conference on, 2012)This paper is concerned with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) using trainable systems. The aim of this work is to build acoustic models for spoken language Wolof. This is done by employing Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and ... -
Wolterstroff's critique of the reformational view of scholarship in his essay on Christian learning
(Buro vir Wetenskaplike Tydskrifte, Potchefstroom, 2009)In this article I analyse Wolterstorff’s criticism of aspects of the reformational approach to science and scholarship as expressed in his essay “On Christian learning” (Wolterstorff, 1989). I argue that those allegations ...