Browsing by Title
Now showing items 33772-33791 of 35672
Ubuntu and the law in South Africa
(1998)The new constitutional dispensation, like the idea of freedom in South Africa, is also not free of scepticism. Many a time when crime and criminal activity are rife, sceptics would lament the absence of ubuntu in society ... -
uBuntu as a constitutional value : a social justice perspective
(North-West University (South Africa), 2020)The preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (the Constitution) makes a commitment to social justice. This commitment is set against the background of a difficult and tumultuous past characterised ... -
Ubuntu, koinonia and diakonia, a way to reconciliation in South Africa?
(AOSIS, 2015)This article seeks to contribute to the process of reconciliation in South Africa. This is achieved by firstly exploring the meaning of ubuntu as a common culture or religion under a large percentage of South Africa’s ... -
Ubuntu-waardes: Samelewings- en pedagogiese verwagtinge
(Pretoria : Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2010) -
Ubuntu: An African Equity
(2011)In this paper the uses of ubuntu in constitutional law, criminal law, administrative law, the law of property, family law, delict and contract are investigated. Furthermore the theoretical objections to the use of ubuntu ... -
Ubuntugogy for the 21st century
(ATWS Association of Third World Studies, 2010)The state of community life in general, and of education in particular, in Africa south of the Sahara (henceforth also referred to as the sub-continent) seems to indicate that Africans have failed somewhat in their efforts ... -
Ubuomba: Negotiating indigenisation of liturgical music in the Catholic Church in Zambia
(2014)In the early 1950s the Vatican accepted the translation of Catholic hymnals into local Zambian languages and the incorporation of indigenous musical instruments into the liturgical music. This development inspired a group ... -
The UCP as a Choice of Non State Law in International Commercial Contracts
(PER/PELJ, 2022)The article analyses the UCP as a form of non-State law. It demonstrates that in some courts the UCP may inadvertently be applied as the governing law of the agreement instead of as contractual terms. The article proceeds ... -
Ueda’s peak set theorem for general Von Neumann algebras
(AMS, 2018)We extend Ueda’s peak set theorem for subdiagonal subalgebras of tracial finite von Neumann algebras to σ-finite von Neumann algebras (that is, von Neumann algebras with a faithful state, which includes those on a separable ... -
The UEFA model in identification of types, severity and mechanism of injuries among professional footballers in the Nigerian Premier League
(Health and Medical Publishing Group (HMPG), 2015)Background. Association football, otherwise known as soccer, is the most popular sport in the world. The increase in the popularity of the game and the expectations from players make injury risk in football high. Objective. ... -
Uit de Nederlandse lyriek van de drie laatste eeuwen / deur J. Kamp en T.H. le Roux
(Potchefstroom : Westen-Drukkerij, 1913)De derde druk van Uit de Nederlandse Lyriek van de Drie laatste Eeuwen, zal, ten gevolge van het algemene gebrek aan papier en de tijd die er - onder de tegenwoordige omstandigheden - mee heengaat in't aanvragen van verlof ... -
Uit die geskiedenis van die naamgewing aan plante en diere in Afrikaans / J. Du P. Scholtz
(Kaapstad : Nasionale Pers, 1941) -
Uit die oogpunt van die buitestander: die rol van identiteit en ruimte in die skep van 'n gemeenskapseie jeugnovelle
(University of Pretoria, Department Afrikaans, 2008) -
Die uitbeelding van hegemonie, identiteit en herinneringe deur die konseptuele kunstenaars Berni Searle en Jan van der Merwe
(North-West University, 2012)This study focuses on the way in which the conceptual artists Berni Searle and Jan van der Merwe portray their respective memories of the influence of hegemony on their identity formation. Two conceptual installations of ... -
Uitbranding by skoolhoofde
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1992)The aim of this survey is to: • determine the nature of burnout according to contemporary theories and empirical findings; • determine the contributive and causal factors, symptoms and results of burnout; • investigate ... -
Uitbranding en begeestering van kleinhandel aptekers in die Noordwes Provinsie
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2003)The environment in which employees currently function demands more of them than did any previous period. Pharmacists have to cope with the demands that arise from fulfilling various roles, as well as with increased ... -
Uitbranding se verband met lewenstyl en fisieke aktiwiteit by swart manlike bestuurslui
(North-West University (South Africa), 2002)Research on managers in the South African corporate sector indicated that the working environment is not always beneficial for the good psycho-emotional health of the manager (Van der Linde, 1998:50; Le Roux, 1999:51 ; ... -
Uitdagings by die implementering van inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie vir die Setswanasprekend Gevorderde Onderwys Setifikaat(GOS) afstand-student aan die Noordwes-Universiteit
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2015)This article is based on research undertaken by Du Toit (2011) and Du Toit-Brits (2012) during 2011 – 2012 to determine possible challenges which must be kept in mind when choosing and implementing Information and Communication ... -
Uitdagings by die implementering van inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie vir die Setswanasprekende Gevorderde Onderwys Sertifikaat (GOS) afstandstudent aan die Noordwes-Universiteit: navorsings- en oorsigartikels
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2015)his article is based on research undertaken by Du Toit (2011) and Du Toit-Brits (2012) during 2011 - 2012 to determine possible challenges which must be kept in mind when choosing and implementing Information and Communication ... -
Uitdagings en implikasies vir die implementering van selfgerigte leer tydens Covid-19
(South African Academy for Science and Arts, 2022)This article focuses on the influence of school closures due to Covid-19 and their impact on South Africa's future labour force (current school learners) and school stakeholders (such as teachers and parents, among others) ...