Now showing items 1015-1600 of 1600

      Permanent magnet motor [1]
      Permanent magnet synchronous machines [1]
      Permanent magnet synchronous motor [1]
      Permanent magnets [2]
      Persepsies [1]
      Personal protective equipment [1]
      Personalized medicine [1]
      Petrochemical industry [1]
      pH [1]
      Phase firing angle [1]
      Phase-Difference-on-Arrival [1]
      Phase-locked loop [1]
      Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) [1]
      Phasor measurement units [1]
      Phenolic compounds [1]
      phishing [1]
      Photocatalysis [1]
      Photocatalyst [2]
      Photosynthetic electron transport [1]
      photovoltaic [1]
      Photovoltaic (PV) generation [1]
      Photovoltaic power systems [1]
      photovoltaic power systems [1]
      Physical activity [1]
      physico-chemical activation [1]
      Physics [1]
      PID [2]
      PID control [1]
      PIN [1]
      Pipeline network [1]
      pipelines [1]
      Planning parameters [1]
      Plasmodium falciparum [1]
      PLC [2]
      PMSG [1]
      PMU Data Quality [1]
      Point of common coupling [1]
      Pole-slip [2]
      Policy [1]
      Pollution [1]
      Polyampholyte [1]
      Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [1]
      Polyols [1]
      Polyurethane [1]
      Polyvinyl alcohol [1]
      PON [1]
      Porosity [1]
      portfolio management [1]
      Pose invariant [1]
      Positive identification [1]
      Postgraduate programmes [1]
      Postmodernism [1]
      Potassium [1]
      Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) [1]
      power consumption [1]
      Power definitions [1]
      Power demand [1]
      Power density [1]
      Power engineering computing [1]
      power engineering computing [1]
      Power factor [1]
      Power generation [4]
      Power generation control [1]
      Power generation economics [1]
      Power generation faults [1]
      Power generation reliability [1]
      Power grid [1]
      Power grids [2]
      power markets [1]
      Power meters [1]
      Power network [1]
      Power quality [8]
      Power quality measurements [1]
      Power stations [2]
      Power supply quality [1]
      Power system dynamics [1]
      power system economics [1]
      Power system harmonics [4]
      Power system management [1]
      power system measurement [1]
      Power system measurements [1]
      Power system modeling [1]
      Power system monitoring [2]
      Power system restoration [1]
      Power system security [1]
      Power system stability [4]
      Power transmission faults [1]
      Power transmission protection [1]
      PQ [3]
      PQ benchmarking [2]
      PQ compatibility [1]
      PQ management [2]
      PQ reporting [2]
      Practical [1]
      Practical low-cost condition monitoring [1]
      Practical relevance [1]
      Practitioners [1]
      pre-existing knowledge [1]
      Preanalytical factors [1]
      preconceived and informed expectations [1]
      Predicted COP [1]
      Predicting success factors [1]
      prediction [1]
      Predictive Model [1]
      Prehydrolysis liquor [1]
      Prenatal diagnostics [1]
      Pressure drop [1]
      Pretreatment [3]
      Prevailing angle [1]
      Prevailing harmonic phase angle [1]
      Prevailing phase angle [1]
      Prevailing phasors [1]
      Principal Component Analysis [1]
      Priority-setting [1]
      Private Label Brands [1]
      Problem solving [1]
      Process [1]
      process modeling and identification [1]
      Process modelling [1]
      Process route [1]
      programmable logic controller [1]
      project management [2]
      Project-based learning [1]
      Protégé [1]
      Protocols [1]
      Proton exchange membrane [1]
      Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) [1]
      Pseudo random binary sequence [1]
      Psychopharmacology [1]
      Public service [1]
      Pulsars: general [2]
      Pulsars: individual (B1937+21, B1957+20, J2017+0603, J2302+4442) [1]
      Pulsars: individual (PSRs J0631+1036 J0659+1414 J0742-2822 J1420-6048 J1509-5850 J1718-3825) [1]
      Pulsars: individual: Crab pulsar [1]
      Pulsars: individual: PSR B1259-63 [1]
      Pulsars: individual: PSR B1509-58 [1]
      Pulsars: individual: PSR B1706-44 [1]
      Pulsars: individual: Vela pulsar [1]
      Pulsars: millisecond [2]
      pumped-storage power stations [1]
      pumping plants [1]
      pumps [2]
      Pyrolysis [1]
      QoS [1]
      QoS reporting [1]
      Quadcopter [1]
      quadcopter [1]
      Qualitative data [1]
      Qualitative Research [1]
      Quality of service [1]
      Quantile regression [1]
      Quantile simulation [1]
      Quantitative analysis [1]
      Quartzite [1]
      Radiation mechanisms: non-thermal [2]
      Radiation mechanisms: nonthermal [1]
      Radiation mechanisms: radiation mechanisms: nonthermal [1]
      Radio astronomy [3]
      radio environment mapping [1]
      Radio frequency [1]
      Radio spectrum management [1]
      Radiofrequency identification [3]
      Radiofrequency interference [2]
      Rainfall [1]
      Randles [1]
      Random codes [1]
      Random linear network coding [1]
      Random network coding [1]
      Ratio correction factor [1]
      Raw coal components [1]
      Rayleigh fading [1]
      re-porting and disclosure of water [1]
      re-ward scheme [1]
      Reactive power [1]
      Reactor cavity cooling system [2]
      reactor cavity cooling system [1]
      Real-time [1]
      Receivers [1]
      Receiving antennas [2]
      Recirculation [1]
      Reconfiguration [1]
      reconfiguration [1]
      Reed-Solomon codes [1]
      Reflective practice [1]
      Reflux extraction [1]
      refractive Index [1]
      refrigeration [2]
      refrigeration systems [1]
      Refrigerators [1]
      Regulaliai, [1]
      Regulation [2]
      Rehabilitation attributes [1]
      Relay protection [1]
      Reliability [1]
      Remaining Useful Life (RUL) [1]
      Renewable diesel [1]
      Renewable Energy [1]
      Renewable energy [2]
      renewable energy [2]
      Renewable energy plants [2]
      Renewable energy sources [1]
      Renewable fuel [1]
      requirements [1]
      Research and development [1]
      Research entity [1]
      Research life-cycle [1]
      Research professor [1]
      Resonant frequency [1]
      Respiratory protective devices [1]
      Review of reviews [1]
      RFID [7]
      RFID license plate [1]
      Rhodamine dye [1]
      Risk budget [1]
      Risk contribution [1]
      risk factors [1]
      rivers [1]
      RO retentate [1]
      RO-reject [1]
      Road freight [1]
      road freight [1]
      Road freight transport [2]
      Roads [3]
      Robot kinematics [1]
      Robot sensing systems [1]
      Robust control [1]
      Robust design [1]
      Rock colouring [1]
      rolling mills [1]
      ROM [1]
      Root cause analysis [1]
      Rotating stall [1]
      Rotation measurement [1]
      rotor delevitation [1]
      Rotor-dynamic simulation [1]
      rotordynamics [1]
      Routing protocols [1]
      Runout identification [1]
      Rural Africa [1]
      Rural dwellers [1]
      Rural women [1]
      S. cerevisiae [1]
      SADC [1]
      safety [1]
      Salinity [1]
      Sanitary hot water [1]
      Satellite communications [1]
      SCADA [1]
      Scalants removal [1]
      Scientific rigor [1]
      seawater [1]
      Second of Century (SOC) [1]
      secondary access [1]
      Security awareness [2]
      Security culture [1]
      Security fatigue [1]
      Security threats [1]
      Selati tailings storage facility [1]
      self-directed learning [1]
      Self-organising maps [1]
      Self-organizing maps [1]
      Sensitivity [2]
      sensorless control [1]
      Sensorless vector control [1]
      Sensors [1]
      Separation [1]
      Sequential decision-making [1]
      Sequential monitoring [1]
      Servers [1]
      service delivery [1]
      Settling [1]
      Shafts [1]
      shafts [2]
      Shape [1]
      Shape descriptor [1]
      Shock waves [1]
      shot boundary detector (SBD) [1]
      Signal strength estimation [1]
      signal strength estimation [1]
      Simulation [7]
      simulation [2]
      Simulation models [1]
      Single-channel fuel module [1]
      size distribution [1]
      sizing [1]
      SKA [1]
      Skills development [1]
      Slagging [1]
      Small Magellanic Cloud [1]
      Small signal stability [1]
      small-scale [1]
      Small-scale renewable energy generation [1]
      smallholder farmers [1]
      Smart card [2]
      Smart grid [1]
      Smart phones [1]
      Smart whiteboard [1]
      SME [2]
      Smoothing methods [1]
      SnS2 [1]
      social engineering [1]
      Social Forces [1]
      Social network analysis [2]
      Social science [1]
      Sodium [1]
      Soft systems thinking [1]
      Software developers [1]
      Software development [2]
      Software development education [1]
      Software development methodologies [1]
      Software development methodology [1]
      software industry [1]
      Software systems [1]
      Soil contamination [1]
      soil permeability [1]
      Sol-gel method [1]
      solar absorber-convertors [1]
      solar cells [1]
      solar power [1]
      solar power design [1]
      Solid acid catalyst [1]
      SolidWorks® flow simulation [1]
      Solvent extraction [1]
      Sorbent [1]
      Sorghum [1]
      Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench [1]
      Sorghum bicolor L. Moench [1]
      Sorption [1]
      South Africa [5]
      South African bituminous coal fines [1]
      South African heavy industry [1]
      South African mining industry [1]
      Southern African power pool [1]
      spam [2]
      spatial [1]
      Speciation [1]
      Spectral leakage [1]
      spectral opportunity (SO) [1]
      Spectrum sensing [1]
      Spent coffee grounds [3]
      Spin orbit coupling [1]
      SQL [1]
      SSA [1]
      Stability [1]
      Standards [1]
      STAR-CCM+ [1]
      Stars: magnetic fields [1]
      Stars: neutron [2]
      Start-up [1]
      State-space methods [1]
      State-space model [1]
      Static energy meter [1]
      Statistical methods [1]
      Statistical modeling [1]
      Steam [1]
      Steam flow [4]
      Stellar surface [1]
      stochastic modelling [1]
      Stock return prediction [2]
      Stockpile [1]
      strategic planning [1]
      student expectations [1]
      student ranking [1]
      Subcritical coal-fired boiler [1]
      Suction recirculation [1]
      Sugar beet [1]
      Sugarcane bagasse [1]
      Sulphate reducing bacteria [1]
      Sulphur dioxide [1]
      Sunflower [2]
      Sunflower husks [1]
      Sunspot detection [1]
      Super-capacitor [1]
      supercapacitors [1]
      Supercritical [1]
      Supply chains [1]
      supply chains [1]
      support vector machines [1]
      Surface impregnation [1]
      Surfactant impregnation [1]
      survey [1]
      Sustainability [1]
      sustainability reporting frameworks [1]
      Sustainable rural livelihood [1]
      SVC [1]
      Sweet sorghum [1]
      sweet sorghum bagasse [1]
      Sweet sorghum juice [1]
      Switching flux motor [1]
      Switching-flux motor [1]
      Symbiosis [1]
      Synchronisation [1]
      Synchronization [2]
      Synchronized multiple-point measurement [1]
      Synchronous generators [1]
      Synchronous machines [3]
      Synchronous permanent magnet motor [1]
      Synchrophasor applications [1]
      Synchrophasor data [1]
      Synchrophasor measurement [1]
      Synchrophasors [1]
      System [1]
      System collapse [1]
      System computational fluid dynamics [1]
      System development [1]
      System development methodologies [1]
      System identification [2]
      System performance [1]
      System simulation [1]
      systems development methodologies [2]
      systems engineering [1]
      systems information retrieval [1]
      Sytem CFD [1]
      T V white spaces [1]
      Taguchi method [3]
      Tailings [1]
      Tan delta tests [2]
      Tantalum [1]
      Tariffs [2]
      tariffs [2]
      Tax payer registrations [1]
      Technical indicators [1]
      Technology [1]
      TECM [1]
      Telecommunication traffic [1]
      temperature control [1]
      temperature controller [1]
      Temperature distribution [1]
      Temperature effect [2]
      Temperature measurement [2]
      temperature monitoring [1]
      Temperature sensors [2]
      temporal [1]
      Terzan 5 [1]
      Test source [1]
      Testing [1]
      The platinum mining industry [1]
      Thermal dispersion [1]
      Thermal imaging [1]
      Thermal limits [1]
      Thermoelectric Cooling Modules (TECM) [1]
      Thermofluids [1]
      Thermogravimetric analysis [1]
      Thiocyanate [1]
      Throughput [1]
      Tie-line [1]
      Time domain analysis [1]
      Time series analysis [1]
      Time series of counts [1]
      Tin dioxide [1]
      Tires [1]
      Tissue distribution [1]
      Titanium Chloride [1]
      Titanium Oxide [1]
      Topology boundaries [1]
      Torque ripple [1]
      total column density [1]
      Total systems intervention [1]
      Total vector error [1]
      townships [1]
      Toxicity [1]
      Tracking [1]
      Trade corridors [2]
      Traffic cameras [1]
      Traffic law enforcement [1]
      Training [2]
      Trans-disciplinary [1]
      Transactional [1]
      Transaksioneel [1]
      Transcritical heat pump [1]
      Transesterification [3]
      transesterification [1]
      Transformational and Transformerend [1]
      transient [1]
      Transient analysis [1]
      Transient cooling [1]
      Transition metal [1]
      transmission line inspection [1]
      Transmission line modeling [1]
      transmission line monitoring [1]
      Transmission line parameter estimation [1]
      Transmission line parameters [1]
      Transmission lines [1]
      Transport corridor [1]
      Transportation [2]
      Transverse-flux generator [1]
      Transverse-flux machine [2]
      Treatment [1]
      Truck driver [1]
      trust [2]
      Tungsten dichalogenides [1]
      Turbidity [1]
      Turbines [5]
      Turkish MARKAL Model [1]
      TV white space [2]
      TVWS [1]
      Twitter [1]
      Type-2 diabetes [1]
      Ultra-capacitors [1]
      Ultrasound [1]
      Uncertainty [1]
      Uncertainty in measurements [1]
      Unsupervised machine learning [1]
      Users and nonusers [1]
      Value-added products [1]
      Valves [2]
      vanillin [1]
      variable speed drives [1]
      Vehicles [3]
      Velocity [1]
      ventilation [2]
      Very High Temperature Reactor [2]
      very high temperature reactor [1]
      Very high temperature reactors [1]
      Vhembe district [1]
      Viability [1]
      Vibration control [1]
      vibration monitoring [1]
      Viscosity [1]
      Visual odometry [1]
      Visual texture [1]
      Vocabulary test [3]
      void size [1]
      Voltage asymmetry [1]
      Voltage control [1]
      Voltage disturbances [1]
      Voltage frequency [1]
      Voltage measurement [1]
      Voltage regulation [1]
      Voltage regulators [1]
      Voltage sags and swells [1]
      Voltage transformers [1]
      Voltage unbalance [3]
      Voltage unbalance factor [1]
      Voltage waveform distortion [2]
      volume mixing ratio [1]
      Voting methods [1]
      Vulnerability [1]
      Waist circumference [1]
      Waiting period [1]
      Warburg [1]
      Washability [1]
      Waste [1]
      waste beneficiation [1]
      Waste disposal [1]
      Waste energy [1]
      Waste-to-Energy [1]
      Waste-to-Energy plant economics [1]
      Wastewater [2]
      Water cathode [1]
      Water heating system [1]
      water heating system [1]
      Water hyacinth [1]
      Water pollution [2]
      water pollution [1]
      water supply [4]
      Water use [1]
      waxes [1]
      web crawler [1]
      Web forms [1]
      Weigh stations [1]
      Wet bulb temperature [1]
      Wet Chemical Method [1]
      Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separator [1]
      WHIMS [1]
      Wi-Fi [1]
      Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS) [1]
      WiFi [1]
      Willingness to join [1]
      Wireless networks [1]
      Women in mining [1]
      work behaviour [1]
      Work engagement [1]
      work engagement [1]
      Woven graphite fiber [1]
      WSN [1]
      X rays: theory [1]
      X-rays: binaries [1]
      XLPE power cables [1]
      XRD [1]
      XRF [1]
      Yield [1]
      Zeolite [1]
      ½-Cycle rms [1]