Managing the schools : the educator's perceptions in the Lichtenburg Area Project Office
The purpose of the study was to determine the perception of educators on managing
change in schools of Lichtenburg Area Project Office. A questionnaire with four-licket
scale was used. The questionnaire incl~ded the questions on some factors that may result
in poor management of change in schools, the promoting management of change in
education, the development of human resource through training and the change in
curriculwn. Two open-ended questions\ were also asked to the respondents to cite if
change in :education causes frustration, anxiety and depression.
The questionnaire was administered to 30 educators, 120 schools management team
(SMT's). Out of the total sample size 150 (n=l50), 30 (n=30) were drawn from the
educators and 120 (n::;:;120) were from the school management teams. A total of 133
(88,6%) usable questionnaires were returned.
Respondents were asked to express their perceptions by strongly disagreeing,
disagreeing, agreeing or strongly agreeing on various aspects. Data were analysed
statistically by the use of SPSS - Programme. Frequent distributions, percentages mean
and standard deviations were computed. To determine ~hether the perceptions of the two
groups were significant, the Spearman's Rank .Correlation was computed.
The fmdings revealed that respondents perceived positively to the various number of
aspects of managing change in schools. Respondents strongly agreed that enough
workshops for educators will enhance the knowledge and skills to implement change
effectively. The involvement of all stakeholders in macro planning will improve the
quality of education. Development of physical and human resources to all schools to
ensure that the implementers are equipped with information to manage change
It was concluded that for the effective implementation and management of change,
schools need the support of all stakeholders concern.
- Education [1692]