'n Waarderingsperspektief van ouers se betrokkenheid by hul kinders se leerproses in 'n landelike omgewing
The purpose of this study was from a valuation perspective, a qualitative inquiry on parents' involvement in their children's learning in a rural area. The population consisted of parents with children in a primary school in a rural area, in and around Wellington. Information was obtained through individual interviews with parents and a focus group interview. Data were analyzed and three themes with sub-themes and categories were identified. Findings and conclusions were made regarding parents' involvement in their children's learning process. It was found that parents are involved in their children's learning process. This research study has concluded that parents are consistently involved in their children's learning process they nurture high ideals for their children. Regardless of long working hours they still try their best to stay involved. The parents want the best for their children and nurture better jobs for their children.
- Humanities [2680]