Die taak van die AGS-Kerk ten opsigte van die moreel-etiese toerusting van middel-adolessente - met spesiale verwysing na die invloed van musiek
The moral and ethical development of middle adolescents in the twenty first century is influenced by many factors. This study focuses specifically on the influence of seductive music in the mid-adolescent's life. Especially during adolescence, characterized as a time of uncertainty, the influence of some music can have a negative impact on them. Middle adolescents at this stage needs the assurance that their parents and church leaders can provide guidance and equip them to cope with the negative messages that ensues in some music. This study was undertaken from the Pentecostal tradition, and specifically the AFM Church, with the aim to discuss the church's possible role in the moral-ethical equipping of mid-adolescents. In the research, both qualitative and quantitative research methods indicated that certain music has a negative influence on the development of the mid-adolescent's life. It was found that music may encourage drug and alcohol abuse, sexually promiscuity, violent behaviour, rebellion, homosexual practices, as well as lying among adolescents. Middle adolescents requires help and according to the Bible, parents and church leaders have a responsibility to equip them with moral-ethical guidelines. In the study, the grammatical-historical method of exegesis harnessed from the letter to the Ephesians serves as possible guidelines for AFM pastors/youth pastors in equipping mid-adolescents moralethically.
- Theology [793]