Kleingroepevangelisering in die stad
Small group evangelism is examined as a complementary method to one-to-one evangelism and mass evangelism. This is a relational method of evangelism using small group dynamics in a biblical manner to evangelise unbelievers and assimilate new believers. On the basis of research on God's revelation in Biblical history and exegetical study it was concluded that (1) God's acts of
redemption are usually not limited to individuals, but normally include people in primary groups; (2) people often come to faith in groups; and (3) believers cannot truly experience and act out their faith without having fellowship with other believers. Biblically, there seems to be sound fundaments on which to base small group evangelism. AS subject of evangelism the small group has the potential to motivate and equip members for evangelism, to activate and coordinate spiritual gifts and ministries for multi-dimensional service to each other and the unbeliever, and to be a magnetic force which draws unbelievers to Christ and his church. Evangelism should also be directed at people in primary groups as the object of ministry. By this the covenantal and collective dimensions of God's work of redemption is given its rightful
place in evangelism. The use of the small group and its relational context is an effective way to assimilate and nurture new believers as part of the local church. In order to make small group evangelism part of an overall strategy of the ministry of the local church, it is essential that as many members as possible should function as part of small
groups. However, it is of great importance that effective church leadership and control should be exercised.
- Theology [793]