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dc.contributor.authorMäki, Harri
dc.identifier.citationMaki, H. 2010. Comparing developments in water supply, sanitation and environmental health in four South African cities, 1840–1920. Historia, 55(1):90-109. []en_US
dc.identifier.issn2309-8392 (Online)
dc.description.abstractEnvironmental health had its modern-day roots in the sanitation and public health movement of the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century. The field addresses all human health-related aspects of both the natural environment and the built environment. In this article the focus is on issues of safe water and sanitation in Cape Town, Grahamstown, Durban and Johannesburg in the period 1840–1920. At the time the introduction and augmentation of water supply and sanitary reform were among the most important municipal issues to be addressed, along with the reduction of fire risks and the establishment of a financially effective administration. The links between health, racial segregation and differences in the provision of municipal services are also discussed in some detail. It will be shown that in conducting their work, local officials, together with the colonial authorities, set up a framework for local administration that was similar to governance structures in the UK. However, there were certainly unique elements in the evolution of local governments in South Africaen_US
dc.description.abstractOmgewingsgesondheid het sy hedendaagse oorsprong in die openbare gesondheidssbeweging van Brittanje in die negentiende eeu gehad. Hierdie betrokke terrein ondersoek gesondheidsgebaseerde aspekte van die natuurlike en beboude omgewing. In hierdie artikel is die fokus op kwessies van veilige drinkwater en sanitasie in Kaapstad, Grahamstad, Durban en Johannesburg in die tydperk c. 1840–1920. In hierdie era het die aanvulling van die bestaande watervoorrade en saniteitshervorming prominent in munisipale kringe ter sprake gekom. Daar was ook kwessies rondom risikovermindering in gevalle van stedelike brand-insidente. Terselfdertyd het plaaslike owerhede daarna gestreef om hulle finansies goed te bestuur en administrasie te verbeter. Die skakels tussen gesondheid, rassesegregasie en verskille in die voorsiening van munisipale dienste word ook bespreek. Daar word aangedui dat amptenare in samewerking met die koloniale owerhede daarin geslaag het om ’n raamwerk vir plaaslike regering daar te stel wat met soortgelyke stelsels in die Verenigde Koninkryk ooreengestem het. Tog wil dit ook voorkom asof Suid- Afrikaanse omstandighede ook vereis het dat voorsiening vir die ontwikkeling van ’n unieke stelsel gemaak word
dc.publisherHistorical Association of South Africaen_US
dc.subjectCape Townen_US
dc.subjectSouth Africaen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental healthen_US
dc.subjectwater supplyen_US
dc.subjectpublic healthen_US
dc.subjectmunicipal servicesen_US
dc.subjectopenbare gesondheiden_US
dc.subjectmunisipale diensteen_US
dc.titleComparing developments in water supply, sanitation and environmental health in four South African cities, 1840–1920en_US
dc.title.alternativeVergelyking van ontwikkelinge in watervoorsiening, sanitasie en omgewingsgesondheid in vier Suid-Afrikaanse stede, 1840-1920en_US

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