Browsing Research Output by Title
Now showing items 6864-6883 of 13460
J.H. le Roux's philosophy of religion
(AOSIS, 2013)J.H. le Roux had a passion for philosophy. His writings contain recourse to the history of philosophy in a way that bespeaks a deep underlying interest in the subject. This much is relatively well-known. This contribution, ... -
Jakobus Marthinus Vorster’s ecclesio-political philosophy: a critical interpretation
(AOSIS, 2012)This article is a critical interpretation and commendation of Jakobus M. Vorster’s scholarly contribution to the field of ecclesiastical sciences, ethics and political philosophy. It shows that the imago Dei is a human ... -
James Henry Greathead and the London Underground
(AOSIS, 2017)This article investigates the origins and early history of the device known as the 'Greathead Shield', an important innovation in Victorian engineering crucial to constructing the London Underground. The aim is to explore ... -
Jan A. du Rand, Nuwe-Testamentikus: ’n Lewenslange akademiese liefdesverhouding met die Johannese Nuwe-Testamentiese geskrifte
(AOSIS, 2015)In this article an overview is presented of the academic contribution of Prof. Jan A. du Rand, emeritus Professor in New Testament Studies at the University of Johannesburg and Extraordinary Professor at the North-West ... -
Jensen’s and martingale inequalities in Riesz spaces
(Elsevier, 2014)A functional calculus is defined and used to prove Jensen’s inequality for conditional expectations acting on Riesz spaces. Upcrossing inequalities, martingale inequalities and Doob’s L p-inequality for continuous time ... -
Jeremia en die woord in ’n tyd van krisis
(AOSIS, 1988)Jeremiah and his work and book have a message for everyone who has to preach the Word of God. He was called to proclaim a message of doom in a time of national crisis. Often he had to oppose the leaders of his people and ... -
Jeremiah's vision of the almond rod (Jer 1:11–12): an anthropological perspective
(Unisa Press/SASNES (South African Society for Near Eastern Studies) / Sabinet, 2012)In Jeremiah 1:12, Yahweh explains Jeremiah's vision of an almond rod (מַקֵּל שָׁקֵד) with the obscure observation that he is watching (שָׁקֵד) over his word. There seems to be little logic in this clarification and scholars ... -
Jesus and the six objectives of Daniel 9:24
(AOSIS, 2015)Although Daniel 9:24–27 addresses the Antiochene crisis of the second century bce, many of Jesus’ followers have read this passage with reference to his first and second comings. Following the typological example of the ... -
Jesus as healer in the Gospel of Matthew, part 1: methodology
(AOSIS, 2016)This exploration of the healing narratives in Matthew 8 and 9, guided by current scholarship in the fields of medical anthropology and social-scientific study of ancient Mediterranean culture, shows that when viewed in ... -
Jesus as Healer in the Gospel of Matthew, Part II: Jesus as Healer in Matthew 8-9
(AOSIS, 2016)This exploration of the healing narratives in Matthew 8 and 9, guided by current scholarship in the fields of medical anthropology and social-scientific study of ancient Mediterranean culture, shows that when viewed in ... -
Jesus as intercessor in Luke-acts
(Department of Ancient Languages, University of Pretoria, 2008) -
Jesus se gesaghebbende prediking as onderbou van sy opdrag om te gaan doop
(AOSIS, 2011)The authority of Jesus’ preaching and the baptism The question investigated in this article is what the relation is between the authority of the preaching of Jesus and the baptism that He instituted. The purpose is ... -
Jesus se gesaghebbende prediking as onderbou van sy opdrag om te gaan doop
(AOSIS, 2011)The authority of Jesus’ preaching and the baptism The question investigated in this article is what the relation is between the authority of the preaching of Jesus and the baptism that He instituted. The purpose is to ... -
Jesus se tafelgemeenskap met tollenaars en sondaars: aspekte van 'n missionêre ekklesiologie
(2011)Jesus’ table fellowship with tax collectors and sinners: aspects of a missional ecclesiology Christian churches with a historically powerful socio-cultural presence often have to adjust to a new marginalised and ... -
Jesus the interceding High Priest: a fresh look at Hebrews 7:25
(AOSIS, 2015)According to the book of Hebrews, the locus of Jesus’ intercession is found in his role as a high priest. Yet neither the Levitical high priest nor Melchizedek, the prototype after which Jesus’ priestly function is modelled, ... -
Jesus' authority and influence in the Gospel of John: Towards a Johannine model of leadership
(Stellenbosch University, 2016)This study examines Jesus' authority and influence in the Gospel of John and shows that Jesus' style of leadership is exemplary or prototypical rather than autocratic. Jesus' programme is 'to testify to the truth', that ... -
Jesus' halakhic argumentation on the true intention of the law in Matthew 5:21-48
(AOSIS, 2013)In the time when Matthew wrote his gospel, the interpretation of the Torah became a feature of division. Matthew frequently presented Jesus as being in debate with the Pharisees and scribes on the true intention of the ... -
The Jewish setting of the Epistle of James
(AOSIS, 2015)Many older commentators understood the Epistle of James to address itself to Jews of the diaspora, whether Christian or not. Although few modern scholars have seriously reckoned with this possibility, much is to be said ... -
Joakim, Uzziah, and Bagoas : a literary analysis of selected secondary characters in the Book of Judith
(Old Testament Society of SA, 2012)Secondary characters in any literary work play supporting roles. In their cameo appearances, they reinforce the importance of the primary characters, the stars. While not given top billing, they nonetheless remain crucial ... -
Job and organisations: explaining group level differences in job satisfaction in the banking sector
(Emerald, 2012)Purpose – This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of group level differences in job satisfaction. Specifically, the authors seek to understand the shared variance in job satisfaction at the group level of jobs ...