Browsing Research Output by Title
Now showing items 6932-6951 of 13460
Kaempferol as selective human MAO‑A inhibitor: analytical detection in Calabrian red wines, biological and molecular modeling studies
(ACS, 2016)The purpose of this work was to determine the kaempferol content in three red wines of Calabria, a southern Italian region with a great number of certified food products. Considering that wine cultivar, climate, and soil ... -
The Kalam cosmological argument and the Infinite God Objection
(Springer, 2015)In this article, we evaluate various responses to a noteworthy objection, namely, the infinite God objection to the kalām cosmological argument. As regards this objection, the proponents of the kalām argument face a ... -
Kalman Filter based RFID tag velocity estimation in the presence of frequency hopping
(IEEE, 2019)This paper compares different techniques for estimating the velocity of UHF RFID tags within practical applications. We use COTS RFID equipment complying with ISO18000-6C standards, including the use of frequency hopping, ... -
Kan die GKSA na 150 jaar beskou word as 'n stagnante kerkgemeenskap? Ekumenies beoordeel
(Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2009)The question is whether the Reformed Churches in South Africa (RCSA) should be considered as an isolated and thus a stagnated church community. To answer this question the development of ecumenicism in the RCSA should be ... -
"Kan die vrou haar volk dien deur haar huis?": Afrikanerpolitiek en vrou in die Ossewa-Brandwag, 1942 tot 1954
(University of the Free State, 2015)The “Ossewa-Brandwag” (OB or Oxwagon Sentinel) was a mass-movement of Afrikaners following a non-party political strategy in order to gain power in a white dominated South Africa. The organisation, which gained its highest ... -
Kan het daderschap van pesterijen verklaard worden via het job demands–resources model?
(Boom Lemma uitgevers, 2012)Workplace bullying leads to negative consequences and should be prevented. Studies investigating antecedents of bullying showed however two shortcomings. First, they mainly focused on targets, so little is known about ... -
Kanker as lewensnood: voorlopige merkers vir die pastoraat
(Publisher: Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2008) -
KAT-7 detection of radio halo emission in the Triangulum Australis galaxy cluster
(Oxford University Press, 2015)We report the presence of high significance diffuse radio emission from the Triangulum Australis cluster using observations made with the KAT-7 telescope and propose that this emission is a giant radio halo. We compare the ... -
Kataphysical inquiry, onto-relationality and elemental forms in T.F. Torrance’s doctrine of the mediation of Jesus Christ
(OASIS, 2013)The doctrine of the mediation of Jesus Christ in the scientific theology of T.F. Torrance rests on the fundamental methodological axiom that knowledge is developed according to the nature (kata physin) of the object of ... -
Keith Ward's soft panentheism
(OASIS, 2013)This article seeks to assess the general approach to a Christian interpretation of reality as popularly applied by Keith Ward. It is suggested that he employs panentheist criteria in his attempts to buttress a theological ... -
Kerk en belydenis
(Vereniging vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 2013)On the one hand the relationship between Church and Confession speaks for itself. The church is built on the confession (Matt. 16). On the other hand it is a subject that returns time and time again and has to be dealt ... -
Kerk en grondwet in koninkryksperspektief
(Faculty of Theology, University of Stellenbosch, 2008) -
Kerklike inspraak in teologiese opleiding en in die beoefening van teologie?
(AOSIS, 2001)In this article it is argued that the practice of theology as a science, based on the presupposition that the Bible is the word of God, is inherently part of the calling and responsibility of the church. Therefore, practising ... -
Kerkorde en grondwet - in die lig van God se koninkryk
(Faculty of Theology, Noordwes Universiteit, 2008) -
Kerkregtelike perspektiewe op die "intensie van die partye" met die beroeping en bevestiging van predikante
(OpenJournals Publishing, 2009)According to South African courts the main question to be asked for an evaluation of the relationship between a minister of religion and a congregation is: what was the “intention of the parties” with the calling and ... -
Kerkregtelike perspektiewe op die “intensie van die partye” met die beroeping en bevestiging van predikante
(Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2009)According to South African courts the main question to be asked for an evaluation of the relationship between a minister of religion and a congregation is: what was the "intention of the parties" with the calling and ... -
Kerkwees in n post-sekulêre tyd
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2013)The term "post-secularism" was introduced in a 2004 Television debate between the German philosopher Habermas and Cardinal Ratzinger, the former Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. With this term Habermas ventured to identify ... -
Kernel bandwidth estimation for non-parametric density estimation: a comparative study
(Pattern recognition association of South Africa (PRASA), 2013)We investigate the performance of conventional bandwidth estimators for non- parametric kernel density estimation on a number of representative pattern-recognition tasks, to gain a better understanding of the behaviour of ... -
Ketamine and aminoguanidine differentially affect Bdnf and Mtor gene expression in the prefrontal cortex of adult male rats
(Elsevier, 2017)The rapid and sustained antidepressant properties of ketamine provide evidence of the importance of the glutamatergic system in the neurobiology of depression. The antidepressant-like effects of ketamine are dependent on ... -
Ketamine and rapidly acting antidepressants: breaking the speed of sound or light?
(Sage, 2018)There is an urgent need for rapidly acting antidepressants. Current therapies share a delayed onset of action, contrasting with drugs of abuse that have rapid psychotropic effects but cause tolerance and dependence. A key ...