Browsing Research Output by Title
Now showing items 13188-13207 of 13460
Waar is de organisatie in Gedrag & Organisatie?
(Boom Lemma Uitgewers, 2012)This article discusses why it is of increasing importance for researchers to pay attention to the organization as context factor. It is described what context is, how the context can influence results, and how attention ... -
Waar is die gereformeerde lidmate dan?
(AOSIS, 2016)This article discusses the numbers of church members within the reformed main stream churches as researched during the past decade, while focusing on the disappearance process of white members as researched within sample ... -
Waar kom die Alibama vandaan? Teorieë oor die oorsprong van die volkslied "Daar kom die Alibama"
(South African Society for Cultural History, 2014)Oor die herkoms van die liedjie "Daar kom die Alibama" bestaan baie wanopvattings en talle foutiewe afleidings word gemaak as gevolg van die verdraaiing of waninterpretasie van historiese gebeure. Die afwesigheid van 'n ... -
Waardes en die noodsaak van 'n karakteropvoedingsprogram binne kollegeverband in die Noordwesprovinsie: verkenning en voorlopige voorstelle
(AOSIS, 2011)Waarde- en karakteropvoeding bevat boustene om 'n gesonde samelewing in stand te hou. Waarde- en karakteropvoeding het die potensiaal om morele kwessies in die samelewing te hanteer, veral by opvoedingsinstansies soos ... -
Waardes en die noodsaak van n karakteropvoedingsprogram binne kollegeverband in die Noordwesprovinsie: verkenning en voorlopige voorstelle
(AOSIS, 2011)Values and character education possess the inherent building blocks for the preservation of a healthy society. Values and character education have the potential to address moral issues in society and especially in educational ... -
Waarom willen gepensioneerden langer doorwerken?
(Boom uitgevers Amsterdam, 2016)In dit artikel wordt beschreven hoe toekomstperspectief en motieven van invloed zijn op de intentie tot langer doorwerken van 111 ouderen met een gemiddelde leeftijd van 66.7 jaar. Deze ouderen hebben ongeveer de leeftijd ... -
Waist circumference percentiles of black South African children aged 10 - 14 years from different study sites
(HMPG, 2019)Background. Waist circumference (WC) is a useful predictor of cardiometabolic risk in children. Published data on WC percentiles of children from African countries are limited. Objectives. To describe age- and sex-specific ... -
Walking the sustainability assessment talk - Progressing the practice of environmental impact assessment (EIA)
(Elsevier, 2012)Internationally there is a growing demand for environmental impact assessment (EIA) to move away from its traditional focus towards delivering more sustainable outcomes. South Africa is an example of a country where the ... -
Wallace Stevens's use of narrative markers in Harmonium
(AOSIS, 2010)Wallace Stevens se gebruik van narratiewe merkers in Harmonium In hierdie artikel word Wallace Stevens se eerste gepubliseerde poësiebundel, "Harmonium" ondersoek, om aan te toon hoe sy hoofsaaklik modernistiese lirieke, ... -
Warm-start heuristics for solving the passive optical network planning problem
(Univ Stellenbosch, 2018)The use of automated network planning systems is crucial for reducing the deployment cost and planning time of passive optical telecommunication networks. Mixed integer linear programming is well suited for the purpose of ... -
Warming-induced increase in aerosol number concentration likely to moderate climate change
(Nature Publishing Group, 2013)Atmospheric aerosol particles influence the climate system directly by scattering and absorbing solar radiation, and indirectly by acting as cloud condensation nuclei1, 2, 3, 4. Apart from black carbon aerosol, aerosols ... -
Was Henri de Man an early Post-Keynesian Neo-Marxist?
(Sage Publications, 2015)Henri de Man is the author of the dissenting “Au-delà du Marxisme” (1926) and of the Belgian Plan du Travail (Labor Plan) of 1933. Later he became a Belgian social-democratic leader. He published between 1931 and 1935 ... -
Was Phinehas a religious terrorist? In dialogue with Paul Cliteur
(Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2013)The Dutch philosopher Paul Cliteur wrote a defence of secular thought in his recent book: “The secular outlook. In defence of moral and political secularism” (Chichester: Wiley- Blackwell, 2010). In this book he criticizes ... -
Waste butter and margarine as feedstock for biodiesel production
(ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2012)The resulting bio-waste from butter and margarine factories should be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Currently the bio-waste is either flushed into the municipal sewerage system or moved to landfill ... -
Waste plastic, the challenge facing developing countries - ban it, change it, collect it?
(MDPI, 2019)With changing consumption patterns, growing populations and increased urbanisation, developing countries face significant challenges with regards to waste management. Waste plastic is a particularly problematic one, with ... -
“Wat is die mens wat U so ryk beskenk het?”: die uitbeelding van die geveg tussen Karnaval en Lent by Bruegel en T.T. Cloete
(Suid–afrikaanse Akad vir Wetenskap En Kuns, Sekretaris, 2015)In hierdie artikel word ʼn vergelyking getref tussen die skildery Die geveg tussen Karnaval en Lent van Pieter Bruegel de Oude en T.T. Cloete se bundel Karnaval en Lent is een gedig. Die vergelykende ontleding word gedoen ... -
Wat is tyd?
(The Association for Christian Higher Education / Die Vereniging vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 2008) -
Wat is ’n godsdienstige kulte?
(AOSIS, 1995)In this article it is indicated that a religious sect should be distinguished from a religious cult. A religious cult can be defined as a religious group that actively sets out to control both the earthly and eternal lives ... -
Wat moesten de Suid-Afrikaantjies lezen? Nederlandse voorgeskrewe boeke 1938-1955
(Taylor & Francis Routledge and Unisa Press, 2016)Besides Afrikaans literature, Dutch literature was also part of the required reading in South African high school exams for the subject Afrikaans until the 1980s. This introductory article gives an overview of Dutch-language ... -
Wat oor is, is die Self: verblyf in ’n boomholte in Wilma Stockenström se die kremetartekspedisie
(Litnet, 2013)In Wilma Stockenström se roman Die kremetartekspedisie (1981) - in sewe tale vertaal en in 2004 heruitgegee - is die verteller 'n 15de-eeuse slavin wat haar laaste lewensdae in 'n kremetartboom-holte êrens in Afrika ...