Browsing Faculty of Education by Title
Now showing items 459-478 of 759
ODL and access to higher education: the experiences of the University of Botswana
(Unisa Press, 2011)This interpretive qualitative study investigated why open and distance learning (ODL) within some dual mode universities seemingly failed to achieve high participation rates, compared to the face-to-face mode of delivery ... -
ODL – Answer to access to tertiary education in Southern Africa?
(Unisa Press, 2012)The introduction of open and distance learning (ODL) has generally been understood as a response to the new challenges of increased and diverse demands for learning being placed on the education sector, and is seen as ... -
Onderrigleerfaktore bydraend tot studentetalslytasie in TBOO-Kolleges
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2017)Technical and Vocational education and training in South Africa is influenced by a variety of factors. The increase in student numbers as a result of social, political, demographic as well as economic tendencies puts ... -
Onderwys, die weg na lewenskwaliteit – die optimale realisering van die reg op lewe
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akad Vir Wetenskap En Kuns, Sekretaris, 2015)Against the background of the aims as expressed in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, namely to improve the quality of life of all citizens and to free everyone's potential, the perplexities of the right to ... -
One Leader, One school and an Atypical South African Educational Landscape: The pedagogical viability of a shared technology project
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)Visionary leaders shape their actions and initiate transformation to reach a specific goal. To do so is critically important in South Africa, where the education system offers limited opportunities to manage a school in a ... -
Online surveys as data collection instruments in education research: a feasible option?
(Unisa Press, 2013)Using online surveys for research purposes appears to have gained international recognition as a convenient and cost-effective data collection method. The problem is that the extant literature documenting the feasibility ... -
Online teaching in Education for the subject group History under COVID 19 conditions
(South African Society for History Teaching (SASHT) under the patronage of the Department of Humanities Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria, 2021)As tertiary institutions globally transitioned into an online teaching framework as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is critical that history education lecturers reconsider their teaching and learning strategies. ... -
Online teaching in Education for the subject group History under COVID 19 conditions
(2021)As tertiary institutions globally transitioned into an online teaching framework as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is critical that history education lecturers reconsider their teaching and learning strategies. ... -
"Ons ís mense. My kinders hét gesigte." Die natuurlike omgewing en die konseptualisering van die self in Karretjiemense (Carol Campbell)
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2014)Carol Campbell se debuutroman, My Children Have Faces: A Novel About the Karretjiemense of the Karoo (2013), in Afrikaans vertaal as Karretjiemense, is die verhaal van ’n brandarm, nomadiese Karoo-gesin, voortdurend op ... -
Open Access and Feesmustfall : A Critical Discourse Analysis of the University Students Protest in South Africa
(PONTE Journal, 2017)This paper seeks to explore from a critical discourse analysis point of view the 2015 and 2016 university students' protest, tagged "#FEESMUSTFALL" against the public universities proposed increase in fees by between six ... -
Opvoeding vanuit ʼn post-postfundamentistiese perspektief
(LitNet, 2014)Opsomming Dit het ’n aanvaarde feit onder opvoedkundiges en opvoeders geword dat daar ’n sekere verband tussen die opvoeder se lewens- en wêreldbeskouing en sy of haar pedagogiese teorie en praktyk bestaan. Daar het egter ... -
Opvoeding vanuit ’n post-postfundamentitiese perspekief
(LitNet Akademies, 2014)Dit het ’n aanvaarde feit onder opvoedkundiges en opvoeders geword dat daar ’n sekere verband tussen die opvoeder se lewens- en wêreldbeskouing en sy of haar pedagogiese teorie en praktyk bestaan. Daar het egter ’n paar ... -
‘Othering’ non-normative sexualities through objectification of ‘the homosexual’: discursive discrimination by pre-service teachers
(Taylor and Francis, 2015)Heterosexuality is associated with normative, ‘normal’ or ‘natural’ social and sexual relations. Concomitantly, those who do not conform to heterosexual standards are ‘othered’. Conforming to normativity creates the ... -
“Othering” non-normative sexualities through objectification of “the homosexual”: discursive discrimination by pre-service teachers
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)Heterosexuality is associated with normative, ‘normal’ or ‘natural’ social and sexual relations. Concomitantly, those who do not conform to heterosexual standards are ‘othered’. Conforming to normativity creates the ... -
Ouers se dissiplinering van vyf- tot sesjariges
(OASIS, 2013)Parents’ disciplining of five to six-year-old children. The home is the basis of development in the preschool years and parenting skills are therefore crucial for the prevention of behaviour that can negatively affect the ... -
Overcoming the achievement GAP: the perception of students in two historically disadvantaged South African school
(University of Zulia, 2015)This paper reports on two historically disadvantaged South African schools who managed to overcome the perennial problem of the achievement gap (as measured by matric results) between the historically advantaged and the ... -
Paarprogrammering: meer as net saamwerk in pare
(AOSIS, 2012)Pair programming originated in the industry where focus is placed on the development of a programme at the most costand time-effective manner, and within the parameters of quality. In this context, a specific programming ... -
PALAR as a methodology for community engagement by faculties of education
(Education Association of South Africa (EASA), 2013)Community engagement (CE) is a core function of the university in South Africa. In the field of education, the imperative to pursue and promote CE provides an exciting opportunity for researchers to work with school ... -
Paradigms, beliefs and values in scholarship: a conversation between two educationists
(AOSIS, 2011)Scientific paradigms constantly play a role in scholarship, but researchers tend not to examine the roles of the belief and value systems associated with them. From time to time, however, a researcher may be confronted ...