Browsing Faculty of Education by Title
Now showing items 742-759 of 759
Weaknesses of South African education in the mirror image of international educational development
(Education Association of South Africa, 2014)The aim of this article is to present a systematic, holistic evaluation of the South African education system, using international benchmarks as the yardstick. A theoretical model for the evaluation of a national education ... -
A web-based survey of horse owners’ perceptions and network analysis of horse movements relating to African horse sickness distribution in Namibia and South Africa
(Elsevier, 2016)Africa horse sickness (AHS) is the most lethal infectious non-contagious horse disease and has accordingly been declared notifiable by the World Organisation for Animal Health. AHS is endemic to sub-Saharan Africa and ... -
What inspires South African student teachers for their future profession?
(Educational Asociation of SA (EASA), 2012)The need for an inspired professional teacher corps to haul South African school education out of its current low level of quality was the driving force behind this project. Its aim was to determine what counted as sources ... -
What inspires South African student teachers for their future profession?
(Education Association of South Africa (EASA), 2012)The need for an inspired professional teacher corps to haul South African school education out of its current low level of quality was the driving force behind this project. Its aim was to determine what counted as sources ... -
When schooling experiences are respectful of children's rights: A pathway to resilience
(Sage, 2014)This article reports findings from the Pathways to Resilience study, South Africa. Rooted in a social ecological understanding of resilience, this mixed-methods study investigated resilience processes of black South African ... -
When Science Is Taught This Way, Students Become Critical Friends: Setting The Stage For Student Teachers
(Springer, 2023)Efective science education draws on many diferent ways of teaching science. The literature on science education documents some potential benefts of argumentation instruction as a powerful tool for learning science and ... -
Where differences matters: a cross-cultural analysis of family voice in special education.
(Hammill Inst. on Disabilities, 2008) -
Why was she born into this white skin? Curriculum making for remembrance as critical learning in postconflict societies
(Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa (ASRSA), 2014)South Africa is essentially a traumatised society in which remembrance of the past evokes many different emotions. This traumatised state is partly the result of the contradicting and confusing remembrances that individuals ... -
Wigfield en Guthrie se 'Motivation for reading questionnaire' vir Afrikaanssprekende adolessente?
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akad Vir Wetenskap En Kuns, 2016)Wigfield and Guthrie’s Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) consists of 53 items and eleven reading motivation dimensions that can be used to compile a reading motivation profile of learners. Wigfield and Guthrie, ... -
Wildernis en woestyn: omgewingskragte teen die mens s’n in Boendoe en Toewaaisand
(AOSIS, 2006)In Chris Barnard se “Boendoe” (1999) en Christoffel Coetzee se “Toewaaisand” (2003) word ’n spanningsverhouding tussen mens en natuur aangetref. Die artikel ondersoek die aard en intensiteit van die karakters se belewing ... -
Wildernis van menslike belewenis in Die troebel tyd van Ingrid Winterbach
(LitNet Akademies, 2019)Die troebel tyd skep ’n genuanseerde uitbeelding van depressie, ’n steeds gestigmatiseerde verskynsel in ons samelewing, ’n kritiese bewustheid van “andersheid” oftewel die afwyking van die sosiaal gekonstrueerde norm. Die ... -
Wiskunde–onderwysers se reflektiewe klaskamerpraktyk en die gehalte van onderrig
(AOSIS, 2012)Researchers and theorists differ whether teachers’ reflection on their classroom practices and teaching mathematics effectively are linked or not. This study aims to align the benefits of reflective practice with the ... -
Woordman boei en amuseer
(AOSIS, 2010) -
Work-home interaction of working females: what is the role of job and home characteristics?
(University of Johannesburg, Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, 2008) -
Work-integrated learning within the reading literacy component of foundation phase teacher preparation programmes
(AOSIS, 2017)Research confirms that the quality of instruction learners experience day-to-day matters for learner achievement more than any other school-based factor. Yet teachers beginning their careers across a range of contexts ... -
The worldwide expansion of education since the middle of the Twentieth Century: reconstruction and assessment
(Kamla Raj Enterprises, 2015)This paper has a dual purpose, namely to reconstruct the defining moments in the global history of developments in education, and to assess the outcomes and consequences of the expansion of education. In this paper, the ... -
'You learn from going through the process': the perceptions of South African school leaders about action research
(SAGE, 2013)In South Africa, the under-resourced and socially challenging contexts in which the majority of schools function, calls for leadership that has the vision to look beyond seemingly insurmountable problems. South African ... -
The young engineers and scientist of Africa: initiating the STEMI pipeline
(University of the Free State, 2011)Education reform in many parts of the world is premised on the view that teachers show lack of professionalism. The solution to this problem lies in increasing teacher professionalism. Education reform, therefore, affects ...