Now showing items 1-10 of 298
Student/learner allegations of teacher sexual misconduct: a teacher's right to privacy and due process
("Universiteit van Pretoria [Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) LexisNexis (pre 2010)]", 2011)
Riviere as identiteitskonstrueerders
(AOSIS, 2006)
Die bundel jeugherinneringe “Met ’n eie siekspens” (Engela van
Rooyen) en die roman “Manaka: plek van die horings” (Pieter
Pieterse) vul mekaar aan as literêre vergestalting van die
verskynsel dat die menslike lewe en ...
Wildernis en woestyn: omgewingskragte teen die mens s’n in Boendoe en Toewaaisand
(AOSIS, 2006)
In Chris Barnard se “Boendoe” (1999) en Christoffel Coetzee se
“Toewaaisand” (2003) word ’n spanningsverhouding tussen mens
en natuur aangetref. Die artikel ondersoek die aard en intensiteit
van die karakters se belewing ...
The relationship between the critical thinking skills and the academic language proficiency of prospective teachers
(Educational Asociation of SA (EASA), 2013)
We report on the relationships that exist between the critical thinking skills and the academic language proficiency of a group of first-year prospective teachers at a South African university (n = 89). The results revealed ...
The human rights paradox of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students in South African education
(Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), 2013)
Onlangse navorsing toon duidelik aan dat benewens geslag, seksuele oriëntasie waarskynlik die volgende sleuteleienskap is wat bepaal wie ons as mense is. Seksuele oriëntasie is een van die belangrike aspekte wat ’n persoon ...
Ouers se dissiplinering van vyf- tot sesjariges
(OASIS, 2013)
Parents’ disciplining of five to six-year-old children. The home is the basis of development in the preschool years and parenting skills are therefore crucial for the prevention of behaviour that can negatively affect the ...
Reflections on the use of grounded theory to uncover patterns of exclusion in an online discussion forum at an instutution of higher education
(Redman-MacLaren and Mills, 2013)
This article reports on an example of grounded theory methodology used in a case study to
describe power inequalities among participants in an online forum at a higher education
institution in South Africa. Critical ...
Compatibility of democracy and learner discipline in South African schools
(Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), 2013)
As gevolg van die afskaffing van lyfstraf voel baie onderwysers magteloos om ernstige leerder wangedrag by skole effektiewelik te hanteer. Nogtans bevat die Skolewet kenmerke van verteenwoordigende- en deelnemende demokrasie ...
The standing of the curriculum for consumer studies as school subject in the South African context
(SAAFECS, 2013)
Verbruikerstudie het die potensiaal om 'n positiewe impak te hê op Suid-Afrikaanse leerders en gemeenskappe. Dit word reeds vir 'n aantal jare onderrig in skole, maar die stand van die vak Verbruikerstudie in die Nasionale ...
Bydraende faktore tot leerderdissiplineprobleme: ’n multiveranderlike analise
(OASIS, 2013)
Contributory factors to learner discipline problems: A multivariate approach. Hitherto, researchers in the field of the various causal or contributory factors of learner discipline problems in schools tended to approach ...