Browsing Faculty of Law by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 388
Legal guidelines for the collection of information in the competitive intelligence process in South Africa
(AOSIS, 2003)Regardless of the complexity and uncertainty in any environment, information processing (a firm’s ability to adapt to existing market conditions) is largely dependent on its ability to process relevant market information ... -
Water and the public trust doctrine - a South African perspective
(North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus), 2008)The legal principles concerning rights to water have been changed considerably by the provisions of the National Water Act 36 of 1998. The National Water Act aims to redistribute water rights to previously disadvantaged ... -
The South African Civil Union Act 2006: progressive legislation with regressive implications?
(Oxford University Press, 2008)A ground-breaking judgment handed down by the Constitutional Court on 1 December 2005 gave parliament 1 year within which to promulgate legislation that facilitated same-sex marriage in South Africa. In response, the Civil ... -
Different countries, one environment: A critical Southern discourse on the common but differentiated responsibilities principle
(VerLoren van Themaat Centre for Public Law Studies (UNISA), 2008)To argue in this way is to ignore the world we live in. We do all live in one planet, and all are interconnected; all nations are in legal terms equal sovereign members of the UN with the same rights and duties. But this ... -
Integrating fragmented pollution regulation regimes in Europe: an appraisal of the integrated pollution prevention and control directive (Part 2)
(LexisNexis, 2008)Die Suid-Afrikaanse omgewingsbeheerregime is gefragmenteer. Hierdie fragmentasie manifesteer vera! by die plaaslike besoedelingsregulasieregime. Die huidige regime bestaan uit verskeie owerhede, prosesse, meganismes en ... -
Good governance in public procurement : a South African case study
(Faculty of Law, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), 2008) -
Behoort die saaklike ooreenkoms aan vormvereistes onderwerp te word?
(North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), Faculty of Law, 2008) -
Good governance
(North-West University (Potchefstroom campus), Faculty of Law, 2008) -
The good, the bad and the ugly: using good and cooperative governance to improve environmental governance of South African world heritage sites: a case study of the Vredefort dome
(North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), Faculty of Law, 2008) -
Arms deals, bribery and political interference: How (im)potent the (rule of ) law?
(Juta Law, 2008)What can be done in law when a government prevents one of its own law-enforcement agencies from pursuing an investigation into alleged corruption and bribery? This question was raised in the judgment of April 2008 by the ... -
Strategies to integrate environmental policy at the operational level towards an integrated framework for environmental authorisations
(University of Natal, School of Law, 2008) -
Corporate social responsibility, legislative reforms and mining in South Africa.
(International Bar Association, 2008)The South African mining industry is currently one of the largest contributing sectors to the country’s economy. In the years preceeding the new constitutional era, the sole aim of the mining sector was the exploitation ... -
Land matters: 2008(1)
(University of South Africa, 2008)According to the Minister of Land Affairs 95% of all land claims were finalised by February 2008 (Snyman 'Grondoordrag by reservaat in Pilanesberg afgehandel' Beeld (2008-02-26) 2). The Legal Resources Centre, however, ... -
Comments on the constitutional protection of religion in Swaziland
(Juta Law, 2008)Comparable to the South African legal system, the Swazi legal system has the characteristics of a dual legal system. Though the common law of Swaziland is Roman-Dutch law, Swazi customary law has a firm hold in the Swazi ... -
The right of access to adequate water [discussion of Mazibuko v The City of Johannesburg Case no 13865/06]
(Juta & Company Ltd., 2008)The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 guarantees everyone the right to access to adequate water and places an obligation on the state to take reasonable measures, within its available resources, to achieve ... -
Onrus en geweld: 2008(1)
(University of South Africa, 2008)Die verslagtydperk word veral gekenmerk deur 'n debat, na 'n politieke besluit deur die ANC se Nasionale Konferensie in Polokwane in Desember 2007, of die Skerpioene by die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens ingelyf moet word ... -
The inclusivity of communal land tenure: a redefinition of ownership in Canada and South Africa?
(Juta & Company Ltd., 2008)The nature of land tenure rights is defined in many different ways in different jurisdictions. One of the basic differences lies in the extent of exclusivity or inclusivity of land tenure, or what is called a "discourse ... -
Die grondslae vir von Savigny se teorie betreffende die saaklike ooreenkoms.
(Juta & Company Ltd., 2008)Aan die begin van die negentiende eeu was die leerstuk van titulus et modus acquirendi in Duitsland op die oordrag van eiendomsreg van toepassing. Ingevolge hierdie leerstuk is eiendomsreg oorgedra indien (1) die vervreemder ... -
Die staat, staatsreg en globalisering
(Juta & Company Ltd., 2008)As navorser oor die publiekreg is Ig Rautenbach van akademiese "kindsbeen" af 'n regsvergelyker. Hy het sy dissipline gedurende sy loopbaan sien groei en verander. Hier, in erkenning van sy inspirerende werk oor meer as ...