Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 54-73 of 980
"Baptised in the Spirit and fire": single or double baptism?
(New Testament Society of Southern Africa, 2016)The Synoptic Gospels as well as John's Gospel contain the words ascribed to John the Baptist, that one is coming who is greater than John who will baptise people "in the Holy Spirit." Matthew and uke add that the baptism ... -
Baptists and the Bible: a Hermeneutical Question
(Cape Town Baptist Seminary, 2016) -
Basis-teoretiese perspektiewe op dissipelskap en die verhouding tot gemeentebou
(AOSIS, 2015)Basis-theoretical perspectives on discipleship and its relation towards congregation building. In recent times there has been a growing focus on the process of building up the local church in the Reformed Churches of South ... -
Basisteoretiese beginsels vir atmosfeer in die erediens afgelei uit 1 Korintiërs 11:17-14:40
(AOSIS, 2007)Basis-theoretical principles for atmosphere in worship services deduced from 1 Corinthians 11:17-14:40 This article emphasises the central position that the worship service occupies in the life of the believer, but more ... -
Basisteoretiese grondslae van die seën in die erediens en voortvloeiende riglyne vir die liturgie
(AOSIS, 2007)Basic-theoretical foundations of the blessing in the worship service and ensuing guidelines for the liturgy The Biblical foundations of the blessing in the church service and the meaning and function of the salutatory and ... -
Basisteoretiese perspektiewe vir beoordeling van 'n kerklike psalmboek
(University of the Free State, Faculty of Theology, 2011)Basic theoretical perspectives for evaluation of a hymn book. In 2003 the Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (Reformed Churches in South Africa) introduced a new hymn book Psalmboek 2003 (Psalter 2003). For the evaluation ... -
Basisteoretiese vertrekpunte op die aard en die begronding van 'n skrifgefundeerde liturgie
(AOSIS, 2010)Basic theoretical starting points on the character and foundation of a scriptural based liturgy Liturgy denotes all the religious acts and activities performed by Christians when meeting God, listening to Him, and ... -
Beauty and battle: how the Spirit is moving and operating in the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands
(AOSIS, 2012)This article discusses how we in the present day hear the sound of the Holy Spirit and where his work can be witnessed in the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands. Mainstream churches have been faced with many challenges ... -
Belangrike meta-teoretiese riglyne betreffende die emosioneel verwonde persoon
(AOSIS, 2012)This article examines the relationship between emotional woundedness and faith estrangement. Trust issues towards God often emerge in the heart of the believer when left vulnerable and in shock due to unforeseen trauma. ... -
Belewenis van uitbranding by nagraadse teologiese studente van die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika – ’n Pastorale ondersoek
(OASIS, 2013)OPSOMING: Die doel met hierdie artikel is om vas te stel wat die belewenis van uitbranding by nagraadse teologiese studente van die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (GKSA) is. Deur middel van kwantitatiewe empiriese ... -
Belonging before believing: some missiological implications of membership and belonging in a Christian community
(AOSIS, 2013)In the final stages of the modern period the power of hegemonic ideologies is coming to an end as people identify less with grand ideologies and more with subcultures related to technology and social and economic networks ... -
Belydenisgebondenheid in 'n postmoderne era
(Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2010) -
Benaderings tot die interpretasie van die wonderverhale in Markus 8-10
(Die Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2009)Research on the miracle stories in Mark 8-10 and their role in this Gospel is discussed. The mythological, religious-historical, form-historical, Biblical-theological, redaction-historical, socio-logical, literary-critical, ... -
Benjamin Friedman on Arabs in Israeli literature
(AOSIS, 1982) -
Benutting van liturgiese ruimte in Pinksterkerke
(AOSIS, 2015)Afrikaans-speaking Pentecostal Churches were originally part of a revival movement that for various historical reasons chose not to be known as a church. The liturgical space in their churches reflected the anticlerical ... -
Benutting van vergifnis binne 'n pastorale Gestaltterapeutiese intervensie
(AOSIS, 2011)This article is based on a pastoral base theory within the Gestalt therapeutic perspective to guide abused persons in their utilisation of forgiveness as a source of a recovery experience. The formation of the paradigm is ... -
Bereavement healing ministry amongst Abaluyia: towards a ‘circle for pastoral concern’ as a healing model
(OASIS, 2013)This article formulates a new integrated pastoral care approach to bereavement healing ministry in Africa, termed a circle for pastoral concern. In pursuit of this, the article highlights the pastoral challenge brought ... -
Beroep op die Skrif in die vorm van etiese standpunte, Deel 2: 'n etiese verstaan van die vrou in die Bybel
(AOSIS, 2012)In a previous article it was argued that the grammatical-historical method of Bible exposition was no longer sufficient as sole method and should be supplemented with other hermeneutical points of departure. Following the ... -
Besinning oor die diakonale dienswerk na aanleiding van Handelinge 6:1-7
(AOSIS, 2010)Reflection on diaconal service in relation to Acts 6:1-7 Acts 6 is traditionally considered as the description of the origin of the special service of deaconship. ... -
Beskerm deur ingeligte toestemming: 'n gereformeerd-etiese besinning oor artikel 6 van die Universele Verklaring van Bio-etiek en Menseregte
(University of Stellenbosch, 2015)In 2005 the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (UDBHR) of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) was accepted unanimously by the world community - consisting of 191 member ...