Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 160-179 of 980
Daniel 3 as satirical comedy
(University of Stellenbosch Faculty of Theology, 2012)The tale in Daniel 3 is told to people living in the second century BCE whose lives were threatened by the Syrian Antiochus IV Epiphanes when they disobeyed his command to forsake their religion as a desperate measure of ... -
Daniel 5, Elohim and Marduk: the final battle
(The Old Testament Society of Southern Africa (OTSSA), 2013)Daniel 5 forms part of a larger narrative that originates in Dan 1. The larger, more dominant narrative can be described as a deity war or a clash of deities. Utilising spatial markers, the author of Dan 5 shows his readers ... -
Daniel 6: there and back again - A deity’s tale
(AOSIS, 2015)This article states that, with his narrative, the author of Daniel 6 creates the presence of Elohim outside Jerusalem and Israel, within non-Israelite environments. Applying a body-space frameset to the texts of Daniel 6 ... -
Daniel 9 as part of an apocalyptic book?
(AOSIS, 2013)Daniel 9 relates how Daniel studies the Hebrew Holy Scriptures and finds the prophecy of Jeremiah that Jerusalem will lie desolate for seventy years. He reacts by devoting himself to prayer and fasting in order to remind ... -
Daniel as weapon for attack and defense through the ages
(Institute for Afro-Hellenic Studies, 2008) -
Daniel Dragonslayer - Bel and the dragon, Verses 23-27 (OG/Th)
(AOSIS, 2015)In this article, aspects of narrative critique, genre, editorial critique, the body and space are uniquely combined into a body-space framework. This spatial framework is used to examine the second episode of ‘Bel and the ... -
Daniël 2 as satire
(AOSIS, 2012)Readers use intuitive and acquired knowledge about genres in interpreting what they read and hear, underlining the importance of establishing the genre of a specific piece of literature. The genre of the tales in the Book ... -
Dealing with bioethical dilemmas: a survey and analysis of responses from ministers in the Reformed Churches in South Africa
(AOSIS, 2012)Recent technological advancements in Bioethics have been rapid and incremental, leaving little time for Christian ethicists to reflect or develop a coherent methodological approach. To assess the situation in the Reformed ... -
Dealing with corruption in South African civil society: orientating Christian communities for their role in a post-apartheid context
(AOSIS, 2015)The way in which the full spectrum of Christian communities are challenged to realign themselves in addressing the impact of corruption on the contemporary South-African society can be a relevant indicator of civil society’s ... -
Dealing with violence in South Africa: the ethical responsibility of churches
(Stellenbosch University, 2013)This article investigates the phenomenon of violence in South Africa. The statistics of the excessive violence are presented and the possible reasons for this violence are examined. In this respect the influence of the ... -
Debating the fundamentals of the faith among South African baptists
(Cape Town Baptist Seminary, 2012)During the 1920s two words recently coined in the United States of America (where they had immediate currency among Baptists), “fundamentalist” and “fundamentalism”, entered the lexicon of English in both the United Kingdom ... -
Den frühchristlichen Wundergeschichten Sinn für die Gegenwart entlocken
(University of Catholique Louvain, 2015)Rudolf Bultmann setzte sein Gegenwartsverständnis dem Glauben an Wunder radikal entgegen. Ein Weltbild, das Raum für Wunder hatte, war in seiner Diktion 'erledigt'. So näherte er sich den frühchristlichen Wundergeschichten ... -
Denke as krisisterrein in die verskynsel van kerkkrimping by tradisioneel afrikaanssprekende susterkerke
(AOSIS, 2013)Since little can be done, humanly speaking, to address the numerous factors influencing the decline of churches, it is obvious that everything humanly possible must be done. Thinking plays a major role in ecclesiology. ... -
Deuteronomy 28, 69: superscript or subscript?
(Department of Ancient Studies, Stellenbosch University, 1988)Should Deut 28, 69 (MT) be regarded as a subscript to the preceding section of the book or as a superscript for the following section? The general opinion is currently that it is a superscript, in conjunction with Deut 29, ... -
Developing an integrated approach to interpret New Testament use of the Old Testament
(AOSIS, 2012)The aim of this article is to develop a specific approach to interpreting New Testament use of the Old Testament. The approach has integrated the most useful insights of studies in both Second Temple Judaism and present ... -
Development and the role of the church : exploring public pastoral care positioning within congregational ministry
(2022)Discussions on development have been ongoing for many decades. Within these discussions, approaches such as human and community-focused development have gained prominence in recent years. Churches are acknowledged as ... -
Development of theological training and hermeneutics in Pentecostalism: a historical perspective and analysis
(Church History Society of Southern Africa and Unisa Press, 2016)The article hypothesises that the historical development of Pentecostal hermeneutics is closely related to and illustrated by Pentecostals' attitude towards theological training. A short survey is given of the development ... -
Diakonia: in conversation with John N. Collins
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2017)The work of John N. Collins on the διάκον- word group makes an important contribution to understanding church ministry. Although it receives much attention and support, there is some criticism of Collins’s exegesis. If his ... -
Did adultery mandate divorce? A reassessment of Jesus' Divorce Logia
(Cambridge University Press, 2015)This paper argues that Matthew's so-called exception clauses to the prohibition of divorce (5.32; 19.9) make explicit what was already implicit in versions without them: that adultery required divorce. While biblical law ...