Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 368-387 of 980
Galen and his treatise on grief
(AOSIS, 2016)Throughout his career, Fika Janse van Rensburg has rightly insisted on the importance of the socio-historical context in interpreting early Christian literature. Although New Testament scholars have given careful attention ... -
Gebed en die vorming van Christelike identiteit in Openbaring
(AOSIS, 2015)The use of prayer in the book of Revelation is analysed. It is illustrated that heavenly prayer is directed to God, but that Jesus is also the subject of praise in contexts of prayer. Specific attention is given to the ... -
Gebedsterapie in die verwerking van traumageheue
(AOSIS, 2012)Prayer therapy in the healing of traumatic memories. The research question in this article pertains to whether prayer has a place in recovering and healing traumatic memories during the process of inner healing. A person ... -
Geloof en kennis in die Heidelbergse Kategismus
(OASIS, 2013)OPSOMING: Die wyse waarop die noue band tussen geloof en kennis verstaan moet word, figureer huidig steeds in teologiese debatte. In hierdie artikel word die verband wat deur vraag en antwoord 21 van die Heidelbergse ... -
Genesis en teologie: ’n antwoord op Nico Vorster se seining van Genesis 1-3 as polemiese teologie
(The Association for Christian Higher Education / Die Vereniging vir Christelike Hoër OnderwysSABINET, 2010)From a reformed dogmatic and apologetic viewpoint, this article investigates the new understanding of Genesis 1-3 as theological material with a polemic and prophetic purpose. This is what dr Nico Vorster wants to bring ... -
Gentiles in Matthew's infancy narrative
(Faculty of Theology, Noordwes Universiteit, 2010) -
Geskiedenis en gesigshoek met besondere verwysing na die rol van die profete in Kronieke
(AOSIS, 1993)The writing of history can not be separated from the point of view of the historian. Objective historiography, therefore, remains an illusion. This problem is examined in this paper, with the treatment of prophets in ... -
Gewetebinding, Calvyn en die viering van die nagmaal
(AOSIS, 2000)Binding of the conscience, Calvin and the celebration of Holy Communion The context in which Scripture uses “conscience” determines the underlying relation of binding the conscience, freedom in Christ and essential and ... -
The GKSA's use of Article 30 CO in the era of apartheid
(Stellenbosch University, 2012)This article discusses the GKSA’s (Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika) use of article 30 CO during the apartheid era. The central theoretical argument is that the GKSA Synods gave a Kuyperian content to the expression ... -
Global bioethics and human rights in an African context: a reformed theological discourse on global bioethics as a new human rights ethos
(AOSIS, 2016)The 2005 UNESCO Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights (UDBHR) is specifically aimed at Africa and developing countries from other regions. The acceptance of this UNESCO instrument shows that global bioethics ... -
Global bioethics and nonmaleficence: a Christian-ethical evaluation of article 4 of the universal declaration on bioethics and Human Rights by Unesco
(School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics: University of KwaZulu-Nata, 2015)Article 4 of the Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (UDBH) by Unesco (2005) highlights the minimalization of harm as ethical principle and right within the health care "environment. Because the human dignity of every ... -
Gnoticism, church unity and the Nicene Creed
(Publisher: Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2008) -
"Go out and gather each day ...": implications of the ethics of Exodus 16 for modern consumerism
(AOSIS, 2011)This article focuses on the implied ethical principles of the history of the manna in Exodus 16 and the relevance of these ethical principles for the contemporary culture of consumerism. The principles that can be derived ... -
The goal of Christian virtue ethics: from ontological foundation and covenant relationship to the Kingdom of God
(OASIS, 2013)This article examined what constitutes Christian virtue ethics and its goal of highest human good. Christian virtue is a reality that is ontologically rooted in the grace of God through the atonement of Christ to envision ... -
God and the world in the epistles of Paul
(OASIS, 2013)Paul is not interested in cosmological thinking in the proper sense of the word. This article starts by questioning the cosmological language of biblical writings. The authors of the books of the New Testament mostly use ... -
The God of Job
(AOSIS, 2012)God is often portrayed extremely negatively in the Old Testament. For example, in the Book of Nahum God is pictured as being responsible for the most horrifying violence imaginable. This negative portrayal of God is also ... -
God se antwoord op geweld en land in Deuteronomium
(AOSIS, 2015)Deuteronomy attests of God’s exceptional love as proven to Israel in connection with the Promised Land. However, his preferential treatment of Israel and his involvement in violence invokes many questions and much debate. ... -
God se opdrag aan Abraham om sy kind te offer eties bekyk
(Vereniging vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 2015)Sacrifices of children were in ancient times in use among some nations around the Mediterranean Sea. While the "gods" of the nations had apparently no ethical problem with the sacrifice of children, the God of Israel ... -
Godsdiens : Middel tot verslawing of tot heling?
(Faculty of Theology, University of the Orange Free State, 2010) -
Godsleer en skrifleer: fokus en uitdaging
(AOSIS, 2012)Doctrine on God and doctrine on Scripture: Focus and challenge. The choice of the title for this article must be seen against a specific background. In the first place it had to do with the place and task of dogmatics, in ...