Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 394-413 of 980
Habakkuk: a guide to prayer
(Sage, 2012)We often do not know how to pray, especially when we are faced with overwhelming questions, blatant injustice or likely disaster. The book of Habakkuk can profitably be seen as a prayer guide, especially for such times. ... -
Handling a crisis via a combination of human initiative and godly direction: insights from the Book of Ruth
(AOSIS, 2012)The biblical text introduces Ruth, a Moabite woman, at a time of personal crisis. She faces destitution. Life has handed her multiple blows, amongst them widowhood and childlessness. Her single asset? Naomi, a cranky, ... -
He is Risen! A play based on Acts 1:1-12
(Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2010) -
The headings of Psalms 73-82 in the commentary of Dionysius Bar Salibi
(Department of Ancient Studies, Stellenbosch University, 2013)In 2004 Ryan published a critical edition of Psalms 73-82 in the commentary of Dionysius Bar Salibi. He indicates where Bar Salibi depended on other commentaries, such as the shorter and longer commentaries of Athanasius ... -
The headings of the psalms in the Dead Sea scrolls
(Department of Ancient Studies, Stellenbosch University, 2002)This article studies the headings of the Psalms in the Dead Sea Scrolls, especially in relationship to the headings in the Masoretic Text and in the Septuagint. Special attention is given to those manuscripts that contain ... -
The Headings of the Psalms in the East Syriac Tradition Reconsidered
(Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, 2008) -
The headings of the psalms in the East Syriac tradition reconsidered
(Biblical Studies on the Web (BSW), 2008)In the first half of the previous century the headings of the Psalms in the East Syriac tradition received a lot of attention, with important contributions by scholars such as Devreesse and Vosté. In 1960 Bloemendaal ... -
The headings of the Psalms in the two Syriac versions of the commentary of Athanasius
(Journal of the Old Testament Society in Southern Africa; Unisa Press, 2004)There are two Syriac versions of the commentary of Athanasius on the Psalms, a longer and a shorter one. This study deals with the headings of the Psalms in the two Syriac versions, in comparison with the headings in the ... -
Healing liturgy: the role of music and singing
(AOSIS, 2017)Apart from all the other functions of liturgical singing and music, it also has a pastoral function or aim. Within the normal Sunday-to-Sunday liturgy, singing and music aims at promoting and restoring spiritual well-being. ... -
The healing of a Canaanite woman's daughter (Matthew 15:21-28)
(Department of Ancient Languages, University of Pretoria, 2009)story of a Canaanite woman is complicated, because it contains Jesus' initial harsh attitude towards this woman. This story has led to some scholars assuming that Matthew is a Jewish document and the community behind it ... -
The healing power of worship in a litrgically deprived African community in South Africa
(University of South Africa, Department of Practical theology, 2008) -
Hebrew alphabetic acrostics - significance and translation
(Faculty of Theology, North West University, 2008) -
The Hebrew and Syriac versions of Psalm 154
(Unisa Press, 1993)The Hebrew version from Qumran and the Syriac apocryphal Psalm 155 are compared to discern the relationship between the different textual traditions. For the comparison, Sanders’s edition of the text from Qumran and Baars's ... -
The “Hebrew” psalms headings in the Syriac manuscript 12T4
(Department of Ancient Studies, Stellenbosch University, 1999)The oldest published description by Addai Scher of this Syriac manuscript dates from 1907. The manuscript is a liturgical document containing the Psalms (including Psalms 151-155) and Odes. Scher also mentions that every ... -
Hermeneia: 'n Teologiese gesprek oor hermeneutiese vrae met drie Suid-Afrikaanse teoloë
(Buro vir Wetenskaplike Tydskrifte / Potchefstroom, 2010) -
Hermeneutiese vertrekpunte vir gereformeerde eksegese
(AOSIS, 2011)Hermeneutics as discipline finds itself in troubled waters. This has been caused, inter alia, by a postmodernistic mindset that has exchanged the truth of a retraceable conclusion for the individual’s subjective perception ... -
Herod or Alexander Janneus? A new approach to the Testament of Moses
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2015)In recent years a consensus has emerged that the Testament of Moses is to be dated in the early first century c.e., at least in its final form, and the primary basis for that consensus is the apparently perfect match between ... -
Heroes and Villains in 2 Maccabees 8:1-36: a rhetorical analysis
(The Old Testament Society of Southern Africa (OTSSA), 2016)In recent years, scholarly contributions to the study of 2 Maccabees have shifted towards a focus on larger themes and rhetorical elements. This, in turn, allowed for a deeper understanding of the narrative aim and the ... -
'Het u net een seën?': Vrede as oorvloeiseën as tema in Genesis 12-50
(AOSIS, 2016)Have you but one blessing?': Peace as overflow of blessings in Genesis 12-50. A theme often overlooked in the patriarchal history (Gn 12-50) is the blessings bestowed on individuals outside the covenantal lineage, for ...