Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 433-452 of 980
Ideology and intertextuality: intertextual allusions in Judith 16
(AISIS, 2011)This article utilised the theory of intertextuality to investigate the way in which religious texts, specifically Judith 16, generate meaning in the act of the production of texts. The groundbreaking work on intertextuality ... -
The impact of Christian higher education on the lives of students and societies in Africa
(OASIS, 2013)Corruption is a worldwide problem. Authors do not only agree that it should be addressed at a personal level, but they encourage everyone to become involved in the fight against corruption. For this to happen, individual ... -
The implausibility of ministry, maturity and purity outside of the relational unity prescribed in Ephesians 4:1–6
(Cape Town Baptist Seminary, 2013)The significance of relationships as an expression of authentic spirituality and central to Christology has not always been emphasized in biblical studies. In this paper we argue for the failure to articulate the primacy ... -
In Praise of Folly: a cursory review and appreciation five centuries later
(AOSIS, 2015)Desiderius Erasmus was a humanist reformer concerned with reforming the civil and ecclesiastical structures of his society. In reformed circles, much attention is paid to his role in the Lutheran controversy. Despite this, ... -
In Rememberance of God's Messiancic Vessel - 'Body' and 'Space' in Psalm 151
(Institut Fuer Biblische Exegese, 2016)Applying cognitive linguistics to the text of Ps 151 is indispensable for our understanding of the song. Studying the author's use of 'spatial' and 'bodily' markers such as 'small', 'brothers', 'hands', 'head', and a few ... -
Incongruity in the gospel parables
(Tyndale House, 2011)Evidence is given of deliberate use of incongruity and the outright bizarre in some of the gospel sayings and parables. This is sometimes smoothed away by translators and commentators, who appear uncomfortable with it. Yet ... -
Indicators of the church in John’s metaphor of the vine
(OASIS, 2013)This article aims to answer the question of what belongs to the essence of the church, as God intended it to be, by identifying certain indicators of the essence of the church through a study of one of the central metaphors ... -
Indikatief en paraklese in 1 Petrus en die implikasie daarvan vir die kerklike prediking vandag
(2015/02/24)An important step in the process of interpreting a New Testament epistle is to ascertain the communicative contents which the epistle had for the first readers. Only then is it justified and valid to determine the implication ... -
Indikatief en paraklese in 1 Petrus en die implikasie daarvan vir die kerklike prediking vandag
(2015/02/24)An important step in the process of interpreting a New Testament epistle is to ascertain the communicative contents which the epistle had for the first readers. Only then is it justified and valid to determine the implication ... -
The influence of Calvin's theology on the conventus of Reformational Churches in Southern Africa
(Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2010) -
The influence of role-players on the character-development and character-building of South African college students
(Education Association of South Africa (EASA), 2015)The present world is in a moral crisis and it seems as though educational institutions experience both challenges and enormous behavioural problems. Statistics prove that there is a drastic decline in morals, values, ... -
An inquiry into socio-historical factors contributing to poverty within the Early Church in Palestine
(AOSIS, 2015)This article seeks to investigate the root causes of poverty in the early Christian community.The view that is put forward and argued in this article is that poverty was widespread in early Christianity with particular ... -
Institusionalisme - springlewendig in die kwynende Afrikaanse Gereformeerde kerkpraktyk
(OASIS, 2013)OPSOMING: In hierdie artikel word die institusionalistiese denkwyse (I-denke) as dominante denkwyse in die krimpende tradisioneel-Afrikaanssprekende Gereformeerde kerke bespreek. I-denke toon ’n denkwanbalans wat weerspieël ... -
An integrated competency-based training model for theological training
(AOSIS, 2011)This article examines the relationship between theological training and practical ministry with the purpose of addressing the fundamental problems that hinder theological training from becoming relevant. There exists a ... -
An integrated ethical approach to bioethical decision-making: a proposed model for ministers
(AOSIS, 2012)This article outlined a model for guidance in ‘doing’ bioethics in a Reformed context. The proposed model suggested that in order to arrive at responsible ethical decisions, one must refer to both contextual elements and ... -
Integrating spirituality and rationality the long and arduous journey of the historical development of theological training in the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa
(AOSIS, 2016)The chequered path of the development of theological training in the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa (AFM of SA) started with animosity towards any form of training in favour of the presumed equipment provided by ... -
Intelligensie op drie vlakke as 'n kernvereiste vir die bedienaar
(AOSIS, 2011)Intelligence on three levels as core requirement for the pastor In this article the requirement that a pastor should act and behave in an intellectually, emotionally and socially intelligent way is focused on. At the ... -
Interpretasie van die metafoor "saam met Christus gekruisig" (Gal 2:15-21)
(Bureau for Scholarly Journals, 2008) -
Interpreting Luguru religious practice through Colonialist eyes: Child Sacrifice and East African Dance in Brett Young’s The Crescent Moon
(AJOL, 2015)Public perceptions of indigenous African religious life have been heavily influenced by its representation in imaginative literature and film, both before and after serious scholarly investigations yielded detailed analyses ... -
Interpreting South African cultural clashes through Darwinian eyes: Ramsden Balmforth in Cape Town (1902–1911)
(Sabinet, 2011)The Cape Town minister, literary critic, and reformer, Ramsden Balmforth, sought to promote reconciliation between cultures and ethnic groups in South Africa for four decades after emigrating from England in 1897. Although ...