Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 530-549 of 980
Mag deur taal in 1 Johannes
(AOSIS, 2012)Power is often exercised through language. Here it is argued that the author of John utilises different language strategies in order to exert power over and to influence his intended readers. His authority lies in his ... -
The making and prevention of rain amongst the Pedi tribe of South Africa: a pastoral response
(OASIS, 2013)This article attempted to respond pastorally to the rainmaking and rain prevention rituals which are practised among the Pedi tribes – also called the Northern-Sotho speaking nation of South Africa. The rituals of ... -
Managing corruption in South Africa: the ethical responsibility of churches
(Stellenbosch University, 2012)The South African society continues to stagger under an immense wave of corruption in both the private and the public sectors. Corruption is the misuse of public office or a position of authority for private, material ... -
Mandrake from antiquity to Harry Potter
(Department of Ancient Studies, University of Stellenbosch, 2008)After an introductory paragraph which supplies a cursory overview of all the ancient sources on mandrake, a well known and popular drug amongst the ancients, the article provides a systemization of information obtained ... -
The marginal notes to the Syriac apocryphal psalms in manuscript 12T4
(Brill Academic Publishers, 1998) -
Mark's distinctive emphasis on the temple's torn curtain
(AOSIS, 2015)This article asks several questions: What is distinctive about Mark’s description about the rending of the curtain in the Jerusalem Temple during Jesus’ crucifixion?; What is his rhetorical strategy in doing so?; What role ... -
Marriage and family in view of the doctrine of the covenant
(AOSIS, 2016)New emerging paradigms in Western culture have produced a new ethic. Not only social ethics in general but the ethics of marriage and family life are changing rapidly. This new ethic has inter alia a strong bearing on ... -
Matthew 5:17 and Matthew's community
(AOSIS, 2016)One of the central arguments in establishing the 'Christian-Jewish' nature of the Matthean community is the argument that Matthew's community was law observant. In particular, Matthew 5:17-19 is said to argue in favour of ... -
Matthew and the Torah in Jewish society
(AOSIS, 2015)The role of the Torah is the subject of a full-scale discussion in the first Gospel. This article investigates the socio-historical setting that produced this text with such an emphasis on Torah observance. To address these ... -
Matthew's portrait of Jesus
(OpenJournals Publishing, 2009)Studies in Matthean Christology often tend to focus merely on the titles given to Jesus in this Gospel. These titles are considered as key words to convey the early Christians' confession of Jesus. Such an approach holds ... -
Matthew’s building blocks: Mark and Q: a critical look at a recent monograph
(AOSIS, 2015)This article offers a critical analysis of some of the principal arguments put forward in a recent monograph by J.A. Doole in defence of the thesis that Matthew, whilst being familiar wit hMark and Q, had a clear preference ... -
Matthew’s Sitz im Leben and the emphasis on the Torah
(Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit van die Vrystaat, 2012)The role of the Torah is the subject of a full scale discussion in the first Gospel. This article investigates the socio-historical setting that produced this text with such an emphasis on Torah observance. To address these ... -
The meaning of the imago Dei (Gen 1:26–27) in Genesis 1–11
(The Old Testament Society of Southern Africa (OTSSA), 2012)The purpose of this article is to define the image of God in Gen 1:26-27 in light of Gen 1-11. Does Gen 1-11 define or imply a definition of the image and likeness of God? The biblical-theological (or canonical-chronological) ... -
Meditasie: bybelgefundeerd of ’n vermenging van gelowe? ’n Pastorale ondersoek
(2013)Meditation: Bible based or a mix of religion? A Pastoral investigation. The influence of other religions on the Christian community was a perceptible trend that cannot be ignored in the realm of spirituality. Meditation ... -
Meditation as practical theological instrument in connecting Christian spirituality with social justice in the space of service delivery
(Stellenbosch University, 2013)Should the praxis of meditation necessarily lead to avoidance of the world or could it be seen as an activity that can open a vision and level of engagement that will enable the contemplative person to be connected more ... -
The message of a number Psalms as interpreted in Syriac Psalm headings
(University of Pretoria, 1998)Following the view of Theodore of Mopsuestia, the translator(s) of the Peshitta Psalter did not accept the historicity of the headings of the Psalms in the Hebrew Psalter. In some manuscripts the Peshitta Psalms do not ... -
Messiasverwagting en prediking uit die Ou Testament
(AOSIS, 2005)In the recent past the issue of the Messiah in the Old Testament received a considerable amount of attention in South Africa, especially in the circles of the Gereformeerde Kerke van Suid-Afrika (the Reformed Churches of ... -
‘Met hart en mond en hande’: die integrale bediening van Woord en daad volgens ’n missio Dei-perspektief
(AOSIS, 2015)Missiological reflection indicates that mission organisations and churches worldwide, are reconsidering the biblical foundations of the integration of Word and deed when proclaiming the Gospel. The Lausanne Movement held ... -
Meta-teoretiese perspektiewe op die waarde van kommunikasie en breinfunksie in die proses van prediking
(AOSIS, 2004)Meta-theoretical perspectives on the value of communication and brain function in the process of preaching The intended object of this article is to undertake an investigation in connection with the importance of creative ... -
Metaphysical perspectives on YHWH as a fictional entity in the Hebrew Bible
(AOSIS, 2017)Within a literary ontology, YHWH in the Hebrew Bible is technically also a fictional entity or object. In Hebrew Bible scholarship, a variety of philosophical issues surrounding fiction have received sustained and in-depth ...