Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 576-595 of 980
'n Aanvullende formulier gefokus op die verhouding tussen Pasga en die nagmaal
(AOSIS, 2011)A supplementary formulary focused on the relation between Passover and Holy Communion Can a supplementary formulary that especially focuses on the relation between Passover and Holy Communion enrich the ... -
'n Alfabeties-akrostiese klaaglied
(AOSIS, 2011)Laments date back to the start of mankind and are known among all peoples, languages and nations. Laments are often spontaneous and unstructured, but sometimes they are structured in poetic form. The biblical book of ... -
'n Analise van Historiae 3.25 van Tacitus aan die hand van geselekteerde begrippe uit die verhaalteorie
(Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, 1989) -
’n Begronde bedieningsmodel vir die diakonia van die gemeente
(AOSIS, 2012)This article describes a founded model for ministry in the Reformed Church of Randburg (RCR) and the process that was followed to develop this model. The article is the last of four articles. Each of these articles describes ... -
'n Beoordelig van die vernaamste kerlike en teologiese tradisie se bedrae to die etiek van socio-eknonomiese regte
(Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2009) -
'n Beoordeling van die Skrifberoep ten opsigte van die doodstraf
(AOSIS, 2012)The use (recall) of Scripture is, in light of Christian ethics, a sine qua non when a position with regard to an ethical problem is assumed. A simple interpretation of Scripture does not necessarily settle the problem. ... -
’n Beperkte empiriese ondersoek van kreatiewe prediking in die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika
(AOSIS, 2004)A limited empirical research project on creative preaching in the Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (Reformed Churches in South Africa; GKSA) The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of creative preaching ... -
'n Christelike perspektief op menswaardigheid.
(Faculty of Theology, University of Stellenbosch, 2008) -
'n Ekklesiologiese model vir die bediening van versoening in n sosio-politieke konteks
(Gereformeerde teologiese vereniging, 2010) -
'n Eksegetiese ondersoek na die leierseienskappe wat Paulus in Filippense 3:1-16 toon
(AOSIS, 2016)This article is the result of a thesis, submitted in 2015, with the following title: A PastoralTheological Study of Effective and Responsible Leadership of the Afrikaans-Speaking Minister in the Congregation's Call. The ... -
'n Empiriese ondersoek na die sosiale en mediese omstandighede van gelowiges met MIV/VIGS ten einde riglyne vir hoop-getuienis te bepaal
(AOSIS, 2012)This first article in a series where the central and perspicacious position of eschatological hope and witnessing thereof in the life of a believer with HIV or AIDS is emphasised, focuses on the medical and social circumstances ... -
’n Etiek van liefde: die etiese perspektiewe van die Heidelbergse Kategismus
(OASIS, 2013)OPSOMING: Hierdie artikel behandel die etiese perspektiewe van die Heidelbergse Kategismus – een van die prominente belydenisskrifte in die gereformeerde tradisie. Die etiese relevansie is ingebed in die konfessie se ... -
’n Kritiese analise van die begrip ratifikasie volgens die Gereformeerde Kerkreg
(University of Pretoria, Faculty of Theology, 2008)This article reflects critically on the view that local churches should in a separate act, after major assemblies have taken their resolutions, ratify the decisions before it could be regarded as valid and binding. Attention ... -
’n Liturgie van aftrede
(2005, 2005)A liturgy of retirement Retirement is one of the largest transitions in the life cycle of the human being. This article investigates the possibility of a liturgy of retirement and its application in practice. As retirement ... -
'n Narratiewe benadering tot die pastoraat: Kritiese opmerkings na aanleiding van die huidige teologiese debat
(Faculty of Theology, University of the Orange Free State, 2010) -
'n Noodkreet om God se regverdiging of 'n wraakroep om selfgelding? Martelaars aan die voet van die altaar (Op. 6:9-11)
(AOSIS, 2011)A cry of distress for justice or a vindictive call for vengeance? The martyrs under the altar (Rev. 6:9-11) The essential question to be answered in this article arises from the martyrs’ cry in Revelation 6:9-11. Is the ... -
'n Pastoraal hermeneutiese lees van Paulus se briewe: 1 Tessalonisense as toetsgeval
(AOSIS, 2016)Paul's letters, filled with pastoral content, are illustrating how he founded the church communities, shaping them and caring for them with various techniques. Paul shaped these communities within their own contexts after ... -
'n Pastorale verkenning van die effek van 'pa-wonde', 'pa-honger' en 'pa-nood'
(Vereniging vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 2016)A pastoral exploration of the effect of 'father wounds', 'father hunger', and 'father need' In this article firstly a couple of historical markers will be indicated with reference to the concepts of 'father wounds', 'father ... -
’n Prakties-teologiese besinning oor die versteuring van die luisteraksie deur persepsies en die rol van preekgesprekke as dialogisering
(OASIS, 2013)OPSOMING: Uit die kerklike praksis blyk dat prediking wat dikwels goed bedoel word en op biddende wyse gelewer word, voor die hindernis van persepsies stuit wat dan verlammend op die luisteraksie inwerk. Tussen die blote ...