Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 623-642 of 980
The office of prophets as an emergency measure
(OASIS, 2013)Initially there was not supposed to be a prophetic office in Israel. ‘Prophetism’ was considered to be part of work that the priests performed. Thus, the priests were seen to be acting as prophets. Generally speaking, ... -
The Old Testament as tradition
(Paternoster Periodicals (Published on behalf of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance), 1995)For evangelicals the term tradition has negative connotations. Part of our Reformation heritage is a negative view of the Roman Catholic emphasis on ecclesiastical tradition. This ‘'view can, for example, be seen in Calvin’s ... -
Old Testament figures as possible current "Mentors": exploratory pastoral-theological reflections
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)This article explored the possible role of a "mentor" and is based on theoretical pointers from the Old Testament figures. Throughout the article mentoring was explored according to the approach of (T. Van der Walt:2007, ... -
One text, many stories: the (ir)relevance of reader-response criticism for apocryphal literature in the Septuagint
(AOSIS, 2012)This article investigated the value of reader-response theory for the reading of apocryphal texts in the Septuagint. The groundbreaking work on reader-response theory developed by Wolfgang Iser in his book The Act of ... -
Ontluikende denke in die GKSA-kerkgroeibediening
(AOSIS, 2015)Emerging thinking in the RCSA churchgrowth ministry. In 2012 the RCSA decided towards a wholehearted and total turnaround regarding God’s commands. Reassessing of what God commands in his Word is part of the process of ... -
Oor die Bybel, Bybellees en etiek: in gesprek met Gerrie Snyman
(Die Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2008) -
Ooreenstemmende leiding deur die GKSA se bedienaars van die Woord: 'n ondersoek na die leiding van Petrus, Paulus en Jakobus by vier byeenkomste
(AOSIS, 2011)Differences between RCSA ministers in terms of their guidance from the Word of God have become increasingly apparent in recent years. It is clear that these differences among those who are called to lead are not in the ... -
Oorsake van kerkkrimping binne die tradisioneel Afrikaanssprekende gereformeerde kerke in Suid-Afrika
(AOSIS, 2011)The focus of this article was to pursue factors regarding the declining numbers in the traditional Afrikaans speaking reformed churches in South Africa. This intertwined phenomenon was studied according to theonome reciprocity ... -
Oorvloedige liefde en konflikhantering: basisteoretiese perspektiewe uit Filippense
(AOSIS, 2002)Abundant love and conflict management: Basis-theoretical perspectives from Philippians The management of conflict in the process of building the Lord’s church remains an issue in need of basis-theoretical guidelines ... -
Op pad na ’n volwasse gemeente – ’n empiriese ondersoek met die oog op die ontwikkeling van ’n bedieningsmodel
(AOSIS, 2011)Towards a mature congregation – an empirical study of the development of a ministry model. This article describes an empirical study conducted in the Re- formed Church Randburg during January 2009. The objective of the ... -
Openbaring en ervaring, 'n reformatories-konfessionele benadering van 2 Petrus 1:16-21
(AOSIS, 2016)Revelation and experience, a reformed-confessional approach to 2 Peter 1:16-21. The experience of divine revelation is of crucial importance to the author of 2 Peter and in the age of the Reformation this notion was reflected ... -
Opera through varying theological lenses: religious nonconformists interpret Wagner's Parsifal
(Koninklijke Brill NV, 2015)Although a great deal of scholarly attention has been devoted to Richard Wagner and his renowned works since the nineteenth century, and considerable attention has been given to Christian interpretations of them from ... -
Opstanding in die boek Daniël
(Faculty of Theology, Noordwes Universiteit, 2010) -
The origin of the Syriac apocryphal Psalm 153
(Unisa Press, 1994)A survey is given of research on the Syriac apocryphal Psalm 153. As is the case with Psalm 152 a Hebrew Vorlage of this psalm does not form part of the Psalms Scroll from Qumran. That scroll does, however, contain Hebrew ... -
The origins of a dysfunctional concept: baptists and fundamentalism
(Cape Town Baptist Seminary, 2011) -
Orphans in Mediterranean antiquity and early Christianity
(University of the Free State, 2016)This article provides an overview of the problem of orphans in the ancient Mediterranean world and identifies ways in which various societies acknowledged orphans' plight and sought to address it. Part 1 gives the ancient ... -
Other letters of a martyr? The Vossian recension of ignatius reconsidered
(Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, 2010) -
Outo-etnografie as selfhulp vir predikante met bedieningsmoegheid: verkennende opmerkings
(AOSIS, 2011)Auto-ethnography as self-help for ministers with ministry-fatigue: Exploratory remarks This article addressed the possible benefits of auto-ethnography as a form of self-help for ministers suffering from ministry-fatigue. ... -
Overcoming structural church barriers: Towards a systems assessment model for effective HIV and AIDS ministry
(University of KwaZulu-Natal, School of Religion, 2010) -
Parallelism, metre and rhetoric in Ezekiel 29:1-6
(Unisa, 1982)This passage is only partially (vss, 3-7) printed as poetry in Biblia Hebraica Kittel and Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, The aim of this paper is to propound the theory that the whole of Ezek, 29:3-16 must be regarded as ...