Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 642-661 of 980
Parallelism, metre and rhetoric in Ezekiel 29:1-6
(Unisa, 1982)This passage is only partially (vss, 3-7) printed as poetry in Biblia Hebraica Kittel and Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, The aim of this paper is to propound the theory that the whole of Ezek, 29:3-16 must be regarded as ... -
Parallelisms and revelatory concepts of the Johannine Prologue in Greco-Roman context
(AOSIS, 2016)This article builds on the increasing recognition of divine communication and God's plan as a central concept in the prologue to the Fourth gospel. A philological analysis reveals parallel structures with an emphasis on ... -
Pastoral caregiving as life science: towards an existential hermeneutics of life within the interplay between pastoral healing (cura vitae) and spiritual wholeness
(AOSIS, 2017)Currently, the media is creating an illusion of youthful wellbeing: 'healthism'. But is life merely about physical health? What is meant by spiritual healing in pastoral caregiving? By means of the ontology of life and an ... -
Pastoral challenges and responses to fear of avenging spirits (ngozi) in Africa: a biblical evaluation and response - a case of the Shona people
(AOSIS, 2011)Avenging spirits, commonly known as “ngozi”, are one of the most feared and mysterious spiritual manifestations among African people – particularly the Shona people of Zimbabwe. To address the fears of Christians in such ... -
Pastoral evaluation on the Basotho’s view of sexuality: revisiting the views on sexuality of Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther and John Calvin
(AOSIS, 2015)This article examines the Basotho’s views on sexuality within a theological context as wellas the conflict between Christianity and cultural beliefs. Most Basotho have strong opinions on the subject of sexuality and those ... -
A pastoral investigation of the phrase ‘go tloša Setšhila’ [traditional purification] as the last phase in the process of bereavement mourning amongst the Basothoase in the process of bereavement mourning amongst the Basotho
(AOSIS, 2011)This article investigates and attempts to provide answers from pastoral perspectives regarding the perception the Basotho have on the issue of traditional purification. The aim of this article is to find out why the bereaved, ... -
Pastorale bediening van skuldbelydenis en versoening deur liturgiese handelinge
(AOSIS, 2015)God’s gift of his Son, through Whom he established redemption of sins and reconciliation with man, is central to the Christian confessions. In the ministry of pastoral care and in the liturgical acts the common goal is to ... -
Pastorale begeleiding aan die persoon met dissosiatiewe identiteitsversteuring
(Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit van die Vrystaat/ AOSIS, 2012)A person with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is someone who was exposed to intense trauma impacting that person’s life negatively at various levels. Although dissociative identity disorder is described as a mental ... -
Pastorale begeleiding van die geestelik verwonde persoon
(AOSIS OpenJournals, 2010) -
Pastorale begeleiding van die self-mutileerder
(AOSIS, 2012)Pastoral guidance for the self-mutilator. In this article it seemed that the increase in the occurrence of self-mutilation among young people in many cases served as a pressure-relief valve and not a suicide attempt as ... -
Pastorale begeleiding van kinders wat rou
(AOSIS, 2015)Literature often refers to children as the so called forgotten grievers. In the past, during deaths in a family, pastoral counselling was sometimes more focused on the adults than on children. However, losses that are ... -
Pastorale berading aan persone geaffekteer deur MIV
(Scriber Editorial Systems, 2012)Pastoral counselling to people affected by HIV. HIV is a pandemic which influences each and everyone in South Africa, the country in the world with the largest number of people living with HIV. The impact of HIV on the ... -
Pastorale elemente in Hebreërs
(Gereformeerde teologiese vereniging, 2010) -
Pastorale sorg aan oorlogsballinge: Petrus Postma se werk in Ceylon
(Church History Society of Southern Africa (CHSSA)/Unisa, 2011)Petrus Postma het waardevolle en gewaardeerde pastorale sorg gedurende die Anglo-Boereoorlog in die Diyatalawa-kamp in Ceylon gelewer. Hy was die seun van die eerste predikant en eerste teologiese professor van die ... -
Patronage and clientelism in the fourth gospel
(OASIS, 2013)Patronage and clientelism as a social-scientific model is used in this article to read the fourth gospel. It is the contention of the article that this model affords the reader fresh vistas of meaning that otherwise would ... -
Paul's method of influence in 1 Thessalonians
(AOSIS, 2016)Although the field of leadership in the New Testament and in the Pauline Letters has receiveda great deal of attention, there are still many issues over which scholars disagree. It is proposedin this article that the ongoing ... -
Paul's use of slavery imagery in the Hagar allegory
(Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2009)In this article it is examined how Paul used slavery imagery in Galatians 4 when dealing with the theme of God's "children". The use of words related to the semantic field of slavery in Galatians is briefly discussed. Paul ... -
Paul, the man of three worlds: Still inspiring the church across frontiers
(Scriptura, 2010) -
Pedoseksualiteit as manifestasie van afwykende seksualiteit: ’n Kerklike en pastorale uitdaging
(OASIS, 2013)OPSOMING: Die fokus van hierdie artikel is om aan te toon dat pedoseksualiteit en pedofilie ’n uitdaging aan die pastoraat en die kerk stel. Nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook internasionaal is pedoseksuele gedrag ’n ... -
The Pendulum is never static: Jesus Sira to Jesus Christ on women in the light of Judith, Susanna and LXX Esther
(OpenJournals Publishing, 2009)When the New Testament is interpreted, directly preceding literature is largely neglected. The dialectical terms, discourse and contra-discourse do not often surface in research on this period. This is especially the case ...