Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 792-811 of 980
Sabbath controversy in Matthew
(AOSIS, 2011)Jesus’ attitude towards the Sabbath plays a crucial part in Matthew’s argument. Some scholars argue that Jesus provocatively broke the Sabbath law; however, an attentive reading of the Sabbath controversies revealed a ... -
Sakramentele kerkwees herontdek
(Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2013)The demise of a participatory world view – characterized in this article as a world view of transcendence in immanence – has had far reaching consequences for the understanding of the church, the embodiment par excellence ... -
The Samaritan woman in John 4 as leader
(University of Johannesburg, 2010)This article examines how the Samaritan woman exemplifiesleadership in the account in which the Samaritan woman has anencounter with Jesus (John 4:1-42). From this encounter one canglean qualities in the Samaritan woman ... -
The Samaritan woman in John 4 as leader
(Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, 2010) -
Samson as light and Delilah as darkness: a cognitive linguistic study using metaphors
(University of Johannesburg, 2011)Interpretation of ancient texts can be a very clinical procedure, with little to no regard of the individual's personal experience of the text. This also applies to interpretation of the Samson and Delilah narrative. When ... -
Satirising the Norwegian language conflict: Gabriel Scott's Babels taarn contextually reconsidered
(University College of London, 2013)Gabriel Scott’s comedy Babels taarn (Babel Tower), first performed at the National Theatre in Kristiania in 1911, satirises the language controversy that was raging in Norway at the time. The play is regarded as important ... -
Saved by childbirth: struggling ideologies, the female body and a placing of 1 Tim 2:15a
(New Testament Society of South Africa, 2010) -
Schriftgezag op het speelveld van de hermeneutische ethiek
(AOSIS, 2017)Scripture on the playground of hermeneutical ethics. As a tribute to Jan G. van der Watt, in this article I offer a reflection on the authority of Scripture in ethics, in attempted loyalty to the motto of our theological ... -
The second coming of Christ as the golden key to unlock the Book of Daniel: an analysis of a Pentecostal interpretation of the dream in Daniel 2
(Bureau for Scholarly Journals, 2008) -
A second version of the Syriac Psalm 151
(Journal of the Old Testament Society in Southern Africa; Unisa Press, 1998)All studies on the Syriac Psalm 151 up to the present accept that all the Syriac witnesses reflect the same basic tradition. This tradition can be traced back to the version of this Psalm in a longer version in Syriac of ... -
The secular and the sacred in the thinking of John Milbank: a critical evaluation
(SCIRI, 2012)This article examines John Milbank's deconstruction of secular social theory, and the counter master narrative that he proposes. Milbank depicts secular social theory as based on an ontology of 'violence'. Instead, he ... -
Seeking God's shalom in South African cities through a new glocal togetherness
(AOSIS, 2017)The objective of this article is to clearly reflect the reality of our modern world experiencing the convergence of two mighty movements meeting and flowing into each other. The first stream is the tidal wave of people ... -
Selling religious progress to a nostalgic nation: Jewish doctrinal revolution in 2 Maccabees 7
(Institute for Afro-Hellenic Studies, 2009)2 Maccabees 7 forms part of a corpus of Septuagintal texts that seemingly challenge the traditional way in which God works. These conceptual revolutions are normally induced within times of hardship and persecution. This ... -
Service to the South African society through prophetic testimony as a liturgical act
(AOSIS, 2013)It is suggested that a clear prophetic voice of the congregational gathering could change the society to which the congregants belong. The problem is that this prophetic voice seems to have disappeared in many cases. A ... -
Service to the South African society through prophetic testimony as a liturgical act
(AOSIS, 2013)It is suggested that a clear prophetic voice of the congregational gathering could change the society to which the congregants belong. The problem is that this prophetic voice seems to have disappeared in many cases. A ... -
Settling accounts with Southern Baptist distinctives: James Howel Street's The Gauntlet
(Cape Town Baptist Seminary, 2013)James Howell Street has been lauded for crafting in fiction one of the most insightful portrayals of the twentieth-century Protestant ministry. His pastorates in the Southern Baptist Convention were quite brief, but they ... -
Shattering the idols: confronting the obstinate hold of dehumanising powers on post-apartheid South Africans with the living presence of the crucified and resurrected Lord
(AOSIS, 2015)This practical-theological article focuses on the spiritual dimension of forces that are influencing the social fabric of post-apartheid South Africans. Working with Eswine’s assumption, we reflect on the hold of idols on ... -
The shock factor of divine revelation: a philological approach to Daniel 8 and 9
(Taylor & Francis, 2013)This article explores the story and plot of Daniel 8 and 9, and argues that the angel Gabriel assists Daniel in handling the shock factor associated with Divine revelation concerning a seemingly successful antichrist. ... -
A short history of early Hebrew: cases articles, alphabets and some early texts
(Unisa Press, 2011)This article discusses some aspects of the early history of Hebrew, in the light of the view still held by many conservative or evangelical scholars that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. Important questions to be answered are ... -
A short history of early Hebrew: cases, articles, alphabets and some early texts
(Unisa press (SASNES = South African Society for Near Eastern Studies), 2011)This article discusses some aspects of the early history of Hebrew, in the light of the view still held by many conservative or evangelical scholars that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. Important questions to be answered are ...