Browsing Faculty of Theology by Title
Now showing items 936-955 of 980
Vaartversnelling vra verdieping van ons liturgie
(AOSIS, 1999)Spurt requests a deepening of our liturgy The science of Liturgy is currently experiencing a considerable expansion of knowledge and contributions from Reformed scholars need to bear a unique imprint. This article argues ... -
Van Calvinisme tot eksistensialisme: 'n teologiese gesprek met André P. Brink met verwysing na sy memoirs
(AOSIS, 2011)From Calvinism to existentialism: a theological discussion with André P. Brink with reference to his memoirs In this article the author attempts to develop a theological discussion with the well-known and world-famous ... -
Van Christologie tot Jesulogie? Teologiese gesprek met Sakkie Spangenberg na aanleiding van sy boek Jesus van Nasaret (2009)
(AOSIS, 2012)From Christology to Jesuology? Theological discussion with Sakkie Spangenberg with reference to his book Jesus van Nasareth (2009). Spangenberg wrote a riveting book on Jesus of Nazareth in which he paid attention to inter ... -
Verbond en vergewing: Deuteronomium 29 en 30 en die deuteronomistiese geskiedwerk
(AOSIS, 1988)Covenant and forgiveness: Deuteronomy 29 and 30 and the deuteronomistic history The deuteronomistic history was written to illustrate to the Babylonian exiles that the judgement that had befallen them, was a just one. It ... -
Vergil, Propertius and the Euphrates
(Department of Ancient Studies, University of Stellenbosch, 2010) -
Verrekening van die kragveld van die verbond in die inkleding van die kommunikatiewe driehoeksverhouding tussen teks, hoorder en prediker
(AOSIS, 2012)Reckoning with the force field of the covenant in aligning the communicative triangle between text, listener and preacher. In this article the communicative triangular relationship between the Biblical text, the listeners ... -
Verskuiwende denke van die 2012–GKSA–Sinode
(OASIS, 2013)OPSOMING: In hierdie artikel word die moontlikheid van ’n denkverskuiwing bespreek en gemeet aan die hand van navorsing wat gedoen is onder die afgevaardigdes van die 2012-GKSA-Sinode. Die agtergrond rondom denkverandering ... -
Versoening "in Christus" en sosio-politiek versoening
(OpenJournals Publishing, 2009)The Christian concept of reconciliation has become a popular concept in socio-political transitions and the implementation of transitional justice. In this process the concept is often reduced to a social catchphrase. This ... -
Verstaanbare prediking is eenvoudige prediking: ’n prakties-teologiese besinning oor die styl van prediking
(AOSIS, 2012)Comprehensible preaching is simple preaching: A practical-theological reflection on preaching style. There is interdependence between preaching and transformation in the lives of hearers. There is a relationship of interaction ... -
Victorian biblical scholarship in twentieth–century South Africa: Ramsden Balmforth's advocacy of New Testament higher criticism
(Church History Society of Southern Africa, 2013)Debates in South Africa over Biblical scholarship have often been a subject of historical inquiry. John Colenso’s challenges to the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch are well known, and in the Dutch Reformed tradition ... -
Views of Christian fathers of their role as mentors in the transmission of values within the family context
(Vereniging vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 2015)There is a crisis in society with respect to peoples' values. Families are living in an era of moral anxiety and not only South Africa but also the rest of the world is suffering from a value-dilemma. Homes, schools and ... -
Vijf parels in de Heidelbergse Catechismus
(OASIS, 2013)OPSOMING: In dit artikel bespreek ik vijf ’parels’ uit de Heidelbergse Catechismus. Zij laten elk een unieke kant van het leerboek zien. Ten eerste bezien we hoe de Heidelbergse Catechismus kinderen leert leven als ... -
Violence and the Daniel tales in a children's Bible
(Academy of Science of South Africa - ASSA, 2009)Children enjoy the tales of Daniel and his three friends, whether told in Sunday school, day school, by parents or grandparents. These tales are cast essentially in violent terms. In this article a specific version of the ... -
Voortgesette akademiese ontwikkeling van die AGS-pastoor : uitdagings in die nuwe millennium
(Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2009)In hierdie artikel is die teologiese opleiding van die pastoor van die Apostoliese Geloof Sending (hierna die AGS) kursories ondersoek. Kwalitatiewe navorsing wat gedoen is met 'n gedeelte van die breër AGS-lidmate en wat ... -
Voortgesette teologiese opleiding as instrument vir AGS-Pastors om onrealistiese rolverwagtinge te bestuur
(University of South Africa, 2009)In 2008, the Apostolic Faith Mission Church (hereafter AFM) celebrated its centenary. This article will consider the development of the various role expectations of pastors and how these expectations gradually influenced ... -
Vorming van 'n man van God: Evaluering van internasionale debate oor predikantsopleiding in die lig van perspektiewe uit 1 en 2 Timoteus
(Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, 2010) -
The vox populi and structural elements of the book of Ezekiel
(Journal of the Old Testament Society in Southern Africa; Unisa Press, 1990)The authors study the influence of the vox pop~ as expressed by two proverbs (Ez 12:22 and 27; 18:2), on the structure of chapters 12 to 33. They conclude that Ezekiel 33 serves as a conclusion to this section, and forms ... -
Vrede in die boek van Esegiël
(AOSIS, 2015)Peace in the Book of Ezekiel. The prophet Ezekiel lived in a time when the people of Judah did not experience peace. He was a captive in Babylonia and preached to the exiles about the fall of Jerusalem, and after having ... -
Vreugde en verdriet in die huis van Jakob
(University of Pretoria, Faculty of Theology, 2008)