Between postmodernism, positivism and (new) atheism
The Renaissance introduced the autonomy of being human which in turn resulted in promoting
the position of human understanding as the formal law-giver of nature. Twentieth century
philosophy of science acknowledged the necessity of a theoretical frame of reference (paradigm)
as well as ultimate (more-than-rational) commitments. Historicism and the linguistic turn,
however, relativized the objectivity and neutrality of scientific reason (with its universality) and
co-influenced the rise of postmodernism. After discussing the distinction between linear and nonlinear
thinking it is shown that Derrida does accept universality outside the human mind. The
denial of ontic universality influenced the nominalistic orientation of modern biology, particularly
since Darwin’s Origin of Species, consistently denying the reality of type laws. Under the spell
of Leibniz’s slogan that nature does not make leaps, as natural selection merely exemplifies the
overriding law of continuity. Darwin was in two minds about accepting his biological idea of nonprogression
and his socio-cultural conservatism in which progress was dominant. More recently
new atheism divinized natural laws, identified them with human reason, while Hawking even
claims that the law of gravity would create the universe out of nothing. Finally physicalism is
subjected to immanent criticism, the pretence that mathematics is exact is questioned and some
recent problems facing neo-Darwinism are highlighted.
- Faculty of Humanities [2042]