Conceptualizing intelligence in assessment: the next step
Intelligence theory and assessment inHR and I/O contexts are unlikely to makemajor advancements
when intelligence continues to be treated as a decontextualized set of skills. Models of cognitive
style, situated cognition, and practical intelligence present a more contextualized view of
intelligence, but are either too broad or too embedded in context to guide HR and I/O assessment.
We propose a new model that draws a closer link between cognition and context; the model
builds on recent developments in cross-cultural personality research, where decontextualized
and contextualized models are combined. We propose an assessment procedure in which social
and cognitive characteristics of job situations are simulated, a methodwe label Controlled Situated
Assessment. In order to be successful at the task, individuals need many different resources,
cognitive skills, communication skills, and personality. By increasing the ecological validity of the
tasks, we expect a higher predictive validity, as compared to decontextualized assessments of