Browsing Inaugural Lectures by Title
Now showing items 15-34 of 413
Basel, tydsduur en waarde op risiko / Paul Styger
(Potchefstroom : Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Höer Onderwys. Publikasiesbeheerkomitee, 1998) -
The Battleground of the SME accountant / DF (Danie) Schutte
(North-West University (South Africa). Potchefstroom Campus, 2021) -
Be active – B-healthy / Sarah J Moss
(North-West University, Potchefstroom, 2017) -
Bedryfs- en bestuursrekeningkundige winsbepaling / Theunis Eloff
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO. Departement Sentrale Publikasies., 1986) -
Bedryfsrekeningkunde as inligting- en kommunikasiestimulus in beplanning en kontrole / Hendrik Josias Swanepoel
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO, 1978) -
Bedryfswiskunde en informatika : kennisblootlegging en ander uitdagings in die 21ste eeu / P.J. de Jongh
(Potchefstroom : Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys. Publikasiebeheerkomitee, 1998) -
Beeldende kunste aan die PU vir CHO / A.J.N. von S. Venter.
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO. Departement Sentrale Publikasies., 1984) -
Bemarking : die wetenskap van transaksies / L.R. Jansen van Rensburg
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO. Publikasiebeheerkomitee, 2003) -
Benefit-sharing as a global bioethical principle : a participating dialogue grounded on a Protestant perspective on fellowship / Riaan Rheeder
(North-West University (South Africa). Potchefstroom Campus, 2019)It has become evident from a practical, legal and theological perspectives that there are strong reasons that the principles underlying article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights (UDBHR) have to ... -
Beroepsvoorligting in die nuwe millennium : belangrike fokuspunte / J.L. Marais
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO. Publikasiebeheerkomitee, 2000) -
Biotechnology in South Africa / J.E. Rollings
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO. Publikasiebeheerkomitee, 2000) -
Bodemkunde en bodembenutting
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO, 1976) -
Building the bridge: the land and water Bridge / Lobina G Palamuleni
(North-West University (South Africa). Mahikeng Campus, 2019) -
Burnout and engagement :|ba fortigenic perspective / Sebastiaan Rothmann
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO. Publikasiebeheerkomitee, 2003) -
Caritas, sapientia, scientia : filosofie en universitêre wetenskapsbeleid / J.J. Venter
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO. Publikasiebeheerkomitee, 2000) -
Chemical education: the heart of the central science / Helen Patricia Tuckey Drummond
(North-West University, Mahikeng, 2018) -
Chemie : in diens van die samelewing
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO, 1976) -
Chemie : quo vadis? / Pieter Streicher Steyn
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO. Departement Sentrale Publikasies., 1994) -
Chiraliteit in geneesmiddels / J.C. Breytenbach
(Potchefstroom : PU vir CHO. Publikasiebeheerkomitee, 2002) -
Chromatin remodeling: the Epigenetics of NRF-l in diabetes & obesity therapeutics / Emmanuel Mukwevho
(North-West University (South Africa). Mahikeng Campus, 2018)