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dc.contributor.advisorDe Kock, J.A.
dc.contributor.authorMurray, Ruan
dc.descriptionMIng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2016.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn South Africa the current electrical energy crisis and the possibility of carbon tax forces ferrochrome (FeCr) smelters to improve the efficiency of their plants and to reduce carbon emissions at the same time. This can be done by utilizing the waste energy available at the smelter plant. This dissertation presents a techno-economic evaluation of the utilization of furnace off-gas, rich in carbon monoxide (CO), by using available technologies to convert the waste off-gas energy into electrical energy, which is referred to as co-generation in this dissertation. The results from two case studies on existing co-generation plants are used to determine the efficiency of the technologies considered (gas engines, gas turbines and a gas-fired boiler). A single FeCr smelter in South Africa is selected as the reference plant and the off-gas it produces is analysed. The results of both the energy available in the FeCr furnace off-gas and the efficiency of the co-generation plants considered are used to determine the potential of the various systems to generate electrical energy. The established potential of the considered co-generation plants is used to conduct an economic evaluation on both the existing co-generation plants (case studies) and the FeCr smelter co-generation plants considered. The capital cost, operating cost, net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), simple payback period (SPP) and discounted payback period (DPP) are determined for each project. The operating cost and capital cost of the proposed projects are established using information from the case studies, technology suppliers and manufacturers. A sensitivity analysis is also conducted for each project and the influence of the variation of certain parameters on the NPV and IRR is established. The results show that a gas engine co-generation plant, with an efficiency of 28%, could save a FeCr smelter 12% to 14% on its annual electrical energy consumption (purchased from Eskom). This would reduce the carbon emissions of the smelter plant by between 10% and 12%. The co-generation plant considered would have a capital cost of around R491 million in 2015 and an annual operating cost of around R31.3 million. Economic analyses show that the project would have an NPV of -R25 million, after 15 years of operation, and an IRR of 9.2%. This results in an SPP of 8.65 years and a DPP of 16.51 years. A gas engine co-generation plant would generate electrical energy at a cost of around R0.32/kWh in 2016. In this dissertation, the potential of a co-generation plant is evaluated for implementation at a FeCr smelter. The most feasible system is identified using the results from the economic and technical evaluation (potential for generating electrical energy and reducing carbon emissions). In Suid-Afrika forseer die huidige elektriese-energiekrisis en die moontlikheid van koolstofbelasting ferrochroomsmelters om die effektiwiteit van die aanlegte verbeter en terselfdertyd die koolstofdioksiedvrystelling te verminder. Dit kan gedoen word deur gebruik te maak van die onbenutte energie wat beskikbaar is by die aanleg. Hierdie verhandeling bied ’n tegno-ekonomiese evaluering van die benutting van FeCr-oond-afgas, wat ryk is aan koolstofmonoksied (CO), deur die gebruik van beskikbare tegnologieë om die onbenutte energy (afgas) te omskep in elektriese energie - waarna in hierdie verhandeling as ko-generasie verwys word. Die resultate van twee gevallestudies met bestaande ko-generasieaanlegte word gebruik om die effektiwiteit van sekere tegnologieë (gas-enjins, gas-aangedrewe ketel met ’n stoomturbine en gas turbines) te bepaal. ’n Enkele FeCr-smelter in Suid-Afrika is gekies as die verwysingsaan- leg en die af-gas wat dit produseer word ontleed. Die resultate van die beskikbare energie in die FeCr-oond-afgas en die rendement van die ko-generasieaanlegte word gebruik om die potensiaal in elektriese energie-opwekking te bepaal. Die potensiaal van die ko-generasieaanlegte word gebruik om ’n ekonomiese evaluering uit te voer op die bestaande ko-generasieaanlegte (gevallestudies), asook die ko-generasieaanlegte wat oorweeg word vir die FeCr-smelter. Die kapitaalkoste, bedryfskoste, netto huidige waarde (NPV), interne opbrengskoers (IRR), eenvoudige terugbetalingstydperk (SPP) en afslagterugbetalingstydperk (DPP) van elke projek word bereken. Die bedryfskoste en kapitaalkoste van die voorgestelde projekte is bepaal met behulp van gevallestudies, asook die tegnologieverskaffers en -vervaardigers. ’n Sensitiwiteitsontleding word ook gedoen vir elke projek en die invloed van die verandering in sekere waardes op die NPV en IRR word bepaal. Die resultate toon dat ’n gas-enjinaanleg, met ’n rendement van 28%, ’n FeCr-smelter tussen 12% en 14% aan jaarlikse elektriese energieverbruik kan spaar. Dit sal ook die koolstofvrystelling van die smelteraanleg met tussen 10% en 12% verminder. Hierdie gas-enjinaanleg het ’n projekkoste van sowat R491 miljoen in 2015 en ’n jaarlikse bedryfskoste van sowat R31.3 miljoen. Die ekonomiese analise toon dat die projek ’n NPV van -R25 miljoen, na 15 jaar, en ’n IRR van 9.2% sal hê. Dit lei tot ’n SPP van 8.65 jaar en ’n DPP van 16.51 jaar. ’n Gas-enjinko-generasieaanleg sal elektriese energie opwek teen ’n koste van sowat R0.32/kWh in 2016. In hierdie verhandeling word die potensiaal van die implementering van ’n ko-generasieaanleg by ’n ferrochroomsmelteraanleg geëvalueer. Die beste stelsel word geïdentifiseer met behulp van die ekonomiese en tegniese evaluering (potensiële elektriese energie wat gegenereer kan word en verminderde koolstofvrystellings).en_US
dc.publisherNorth-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campusen_US
dc.subjectCarbon emissionsen_US
dc.subjectElectrical energyen_US
dc.subjectFerrochrome smelter planten_US
dc.subjectGas-fired boileren_US
dc.subjectGas enginesen_US
dc.subjectGas turbinesen_US
dc.subjectWaste energyen_US
dc.subjectElektriese energieen_US
dc.subjectGas-aangedrewe ketelen_US
dc.subjectOnbenutte energieen_US
dc.titleUtilizing waste energy from a submerged arc furnace at a ferrochrome smelter planten_US

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