Integration of cast simulated mechanical properties into FEA for improved tensile strength evaluation of ductile iron gate valve bodies
Valve production is one of the most cost competitive industries worldwide, and South
African valve manufacturers face strong competition, predominantly from China. Simulation
software can be used to engineering lighter, more cost effective products to
stay ahead of competitors. The casting process affects the properties of the material
resulting in a component with local variations in material properties and possibly discontinuities
that are not accounted for in a stress analysis. This dissertation aims to
investigate how the use of casting process simulation coupled with FEA can improve
the accuracy of the stress analysis and identify the FEA input parameters that are most
critical to the coupled simulation. This dissertation met these research aims through an
extensive study of literature regarding the casting process and casting process simulation
and the implementation an experimental investigation. The experimental investigation
was carried out on SG42 Ductile Iron test samples and was used to evaluate
the accuracy of the coupled simulation approach. It was determined that four casting
simulation results (yield strength, young‘s modulus, residual stress and porosity) are
important to integrate from the casting simulation into the stress analysis to more accurately
predict the Factor of Safety of the component. An 18% increase in the accuracy of
the stress analysis was observed after integrating the aforementioned properties over
a stress analyis swith a single material definition, although the increase was mostly
due to the integration of yield strength and porosity data. The main conclusion drawn
from the research was that integrating casting simulation results into the stress analysis
increased the accuracy of the stress analysis. The increase in accuracy significantly
reduced the uncertainty regarding the materials strength, and the effect of the discontinuities
present and can result in worthwhile cost savings for manufacturers through
the reduction of section sizes that compensate for uncertainties in the material. Further
research is however required on actual valve bodies to confirm these findings and
determine the specific cost reductions achievable.
- Engineering [1418]