Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Well-being of teachers in secondary schools
Schools worldwide are experiencing challenges in terms of ensuring quality education and good retention of its teaching staff. The highly stressful nature of the teaching profession as well as the high demands placed on ...
Study demands, study resources and well-being of first year students in South African higher education institutions
The well-being of first-year students in higher education institutions needs particular attention as their level form the foundation for future graduates, and subsequent employees. It is an important focus area for research ...
Coping, stress, burnout and engagement within the South African Police Service in KwaZulu-Natal
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2003)
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the occurrence of burnout among police personnel. It is especially engagement, the positive antithesis of burnout, that promises to yield new perspectives on interventions ...
Koherensiesin, coping, uitbranding en begeestering in die bediening
(North-West University, 2003)
Not much research regarding burnout amongst clergy in South Africa has been done. Recently a shift in the direction of positive psychology or salutogenesis took place and which highlighted two relatively new constructs, ...
Burnout, engagement, coping and locus of control of postgraduate students
(North-West University, 2003)
Uitbranding as verskynsel was oorspronklik waargeneem by individue wat in hulpverlenings
beroepe gestaan het, soos byvoorbeeld verpleegsters. Vandag word dit erken dat individue in
enige beroep uitbranding kan ontwikkel. ...
Antecedents and outcomes of happiness of managers in the agricultural sector in South Africa
(North-West University, 2011)
The happiness of managers is an important research theme for several reasons. Managers spend most of their working day with people, are constantly interacting with various social systems and are role models for happiness ...
Burnout, engagement and stress of medical practitioners
(North-West University, 2003)
The environment in which medical practitioners in South Africa and elsewhere in the world currently function demands more of them than did any previous period. Medical practitioners have to cope with the demands that arise ...
Roles and wellness of human resource professionals
(North-West University, 2007)
The continuous alignment of human resource strategies, activities. processes and
competencies within an ever-changing business environment poses certain challenges for the human resource profession in a global petrochemical ...
Work-related well-being among police members in the North West Province
(North-West University, 2006)
Harsh realities exist in the South African Police Service (SAPS) that require concepts such as burnout and work engagement to be studied in the context of work-related well-being. Although these difficulties relate to ...
Work wellness in the chemical industry
(North-West University, 2008)
Organisations are becoming increasingly aware of issues of employee well-being. The ever increasing demands of the competitive and stressful workplace environment, personal relationships, time constraints and lack of a ...