Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Protecting wetlands impacted by the Mpumalanga coal mining industry : a legal analysis
(North-West University (South Africa), Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)
Wetlands are seen as one of the most vulnerable ecosystems globally. The protection of wetlands has received increased focus in the South African environmental legal domain in reaction to the realisation that these ecological ...
The regulation of gas exploration, production and management : a life cycle analysis
Gas exploration and production at sea and on land is a recent phenomenon in South Africa. The reason for the sudden interest in gas exploration and production on land is that it may prove to be a solution to the need for ...
Regsperspektiewe op gemeenskapsgebaseerde natuurbewaring in die bekamping van wildmisdaad in Suid-Afrika
(North-West University (South Africa), 2021)
Wildmisdaad is ʼn kontemporêre biodiversiteitsbedreiging van antroposentriese oorsprong wat kommerwekkende vlakke van biodiversiteitsverlies veroorsaak. Sodanige misdaad verteenwoordig ʼn uiters gefragmenteerde omgewingsvraagstuk ...