Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Proposed framework legislation for renewable energy in South Africa
It is common-cause that South Africa can be regarded as a country that is rich in diversity of natural resources. Moreover, it is generally accepted that South Africa has the best legislation with regard to the regulation ...
A legal analysis of South Africa's international climate change mitigation obligations in the renewable energy sector
(North-West University (South Africa), Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)
Climate change has come across as an overriding environmental concern internationally in the 21st century. A variety of anthropogenic activities and wide-scale use of fossil fuels have exponentially increased greenhouse ...
The role of the South African renewable energy legal framework in climate change mitigation : a focus on the construction of buildings
(North-West University (South Africa), Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)
Buildings account for more than a third of all global emissions of GHGs and 70% of all electricity use. The industrial revolution saw the unprecedented increases in GHGes which have influenced climate change with the brunt ...
The common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities principle in global climate change mitigation : a legal appraisal
(North-West University, 2018)
The economic inequality of States has for a long time hindered global efforts at climate change mitigation. Under international Environmental law, the CBDR-RC principle was adopted as an attempt to level the playing field. ...
South African renewable energy law and the mitigation of climate change
(North-West University, 2018)
The negative effects of climate change such as unpredictable weather patterns resulting in flash floods, drought and heat wave to mention only a few had forced countries, United Nations and non-governmental organisations ...
Volhoubare ontwikkelingsdoelwitte 7 en 13 en die fasilitering van klimaatsveranderingtempering in Suid-Afrika
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)
In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their fourth assessment report, declaring that climate change is unavoidable and human activities are the largest catalyst for climate change. South ...
Extra-territorial human rights obligations towards SADC climate migrants
(North-West University (South Africa), 2021)
This study aims to determine the extent to which existing law provides for states’ obligations towards climate migrants, with its main focus on the SADC region. The study starts by explaining the meaning of climate migration; ...
Dutch lessons on including climate impact assessments in South African environmental law
(North-West University, 2019)
In pursuit of economic development, human kind has throughout the ages repeatedly and continuously interfered with nature. Historically, nature has been exploited without regard to the impacts of human activities on the ...
A legal perspective on the development of a South African local government climate change mitigation waste management framework
(North-West University (South Africa)., 2022)
Climate change is a global phenomenon caused by human systems having negative impacts on nature, threatening continued human existence on earth. These impacts are caused by increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the ...
Renewable energy access : towards a modern legal African Union energy framework
(North-West University, 2019)
The lack of access to energy, specifically modern energy, and the heavy reliance on traditional biomass (collectively referred to as energy poverty) is often blamed for negative health impacts and poor overall socio-economic ...