Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Legal perspectives on the function of public- private partnerships in local disaster management in South Africa
It is anticipated that the occurrence and intensity of disasters will increase globally and in South Africa where typical disasters include droughts, floods, extreme hailstorms, gales, structural fires, as well as earthquakes ...
Corporate social responsibility and related legal checks in the pursuit of environmental protection in South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa), Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)
In a developing country like South Africa, business has an important role to play in the economy. Companies also play a role in the environmental protection of South Africa's considerable natural resources and physical ...
The regulation of domestic solid waste management in local government : perspectives from the Limpopo Province
In general, the improper disposal of waste may hinder the constitutional guarantee of a right to an environment to human health or well-being. This is especially true of domestic solid waste, a particular area of the waste ...
Waste law and policy perspectives on municipal "land-fill to gas" CDM projects in South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2015)
Landfilling has a negative impact inter alia on the environment. Landfill gas is for example released into the atmosphere. The waste sector releases high amounts of GHG concentrations (methane gas), proving that it has ...
The legal framework for environmental auditing in the public sector in South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa), Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)
Environmental auditing allows an entity to demonstrate concern for environmental matters and principles and to improve its compliance with environmental laws, regulations, policies etcetera. Environmental auditing may also ...
Straddling border and legal regimes : a legal framework for transfrontier biodiversity conservation in SADC
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2015)
Traditional conservation models focus on conservation within sovereign national borders and therefore ignores the fact that biodiversity extends beyond these political boundaries. Since the Southern African Development ...
Legal perspectives on the prevention and minimisation of corruption for sustainability in South African municipalities
(North-West University (South Africa), 2021)
The premise of the study is that the legal imperative for developmental local government in South Africa depends on local sustainability. The study argues that public sector corruption is an impediment to local sustainability. ...
Legal reflections on private investment in green transport infrastructure in South African cities
(North-West University (South Africa), 2021)
South Africa is facing rapid urbanisation marked by challenges such as overpopulation and poor mobility associated with urban growth. Since urban mobility depends on transportation, it requires transport infrastructure ...
Legal protection of 'microclimate regulation' as an urban ecosystem service in South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa), 2021)
The current trends towards living in urban areas, along with unabated urban development are critically affecting cities and city environments. Urban areas face severe challenges such as environmental degradation, ...
The informal economy for local economic development in South Africa: a constitutional law approach
(North-West University (South Africa), 2021)
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 mandates local government to be developmentally oriented and proactively facilitate local economic development (LED). Although LED is not explicitly listed in Schedules ...