Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Investigating the insurable interest of the buyer and seller in the import and export business
In the import and export business, once a buyer and a seller have agreed on the product and price, they also have to agree on special terms that will ensure that the parties’ different obligations are fulfilled. The seller ...
Die repudiëring van 'n erfenis deur die insolvente erfgenaam
Section 20 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 regulates the effect of sequestration on the property of the insolvent debtor. The effect of sequestration on the insolvent estate is to divest the property of the insolvent and ...
European and American perspectives on the choice of law regarding cross–border insolvencies of multinational corporations
(North-West University, 2011)
An increase in economic globalisation and international trade the past two decades has amounted to an increase in the number of multinational enterprises that conduct business, own assets and have debt in various jurisdictions ...
Onseewaardigheid as risiko in die Suid-Afrikaanse seeversekeringsreg
(North-West University, 2009)
Kragtens artikels 39(1) en 40(2) van die Engelse Marine Insurance Act¹ word 'n geïlmpliseerde waarborg van die seewaardigheid van 'n vaartuig in elke reispolis daargestel.² Dit beteken dat indien van seevervoer gebruik ...
Admiralty jurisdiction and party autonomy in the marine insurance practice in South Africa
An increase in international trade has resulted in an increase in the carriage of goods by sea, which has also promoted the business of marine insurance on a very huge scale. Marine insurance contracts fall within both the ...
Terrorism as a risk in aviation insurance
(North-West University, 2018)
As early as 1914 (World War I), a growing relationship started between the airline industry and aviation insurance. What complicated this relationship was the exclusion of certain risks within a policy. One of these excluded ...
Interrogation proceedings in insolvency law: a comparative study
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)
Interrogation proceedings in insolvency circumstances have always been a thorny issue in South Africa, even prior to the advent of the new constitutional democracy. After the adoption of the new Constitution in 1993, a ...
Die versekerde se openbaringsplig rakende die risiko by uitvoerkontrakte
(North-West University, 2018)
In die studie is die openbaringsplig na sluiting van die versekeringskontrak geïnterpreteer. Daar is 'n vergelykende studie gedoen tussen Suid-Afrika, Australië en die Verenigde State van Amerika om die skrywer in die ...
Insurable interest and the allocation of risk in international sales contract : a focus on certain incoterms
(North-West University, 2019)
An integral part for the development of countries is international trade. It establishes relationships between countries and provides a fertile environment for economic growth and sustainability. The value of the traded ...
Property in virtual worlds and insolvency
(North-West University (South Africa), 2018)
These days, it is common for people to buy goods that only exist in cyberspace. These items have been dubbed "virtual property" by many academics, although the notion of virtual property has not been expressly accepted or ...