Now showing items 1-10 of 11
The international legal framework regarding the accessibility of infrastructure for physically disabled learners at public schools in South Africa
According to Section 29(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 everyone is entitled to and has the right to basic education. "Everyone” includes disabled learners. The international framework regarding ...
Religious discrimination in the South African workplace
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)
South Africa is a country reflective of a society rich in cultural and ethnic diversity. Locally and internationally the term "rainbow nation" is used to describe South Africa. This diversity that once separated many due ...
Testeervryheid in die huidige konstitusionele bedeling
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)
Die vraag wat deur hierdie skripsie beantwoord word is of testeervryheid beperk kan
word deur konstitusionele regte en indien wel, tot watter mate. Om hierdie vraag te
beantwoord moet vasgestel word watter formele vereistes ...
The concept "beneficial use" in South African water law reform
(North-West University, 2011)
The concept "beneficial use" plays a pivotal role in South African water law reform. It forms the foundation of the mechanism to make water use rights available for the reform of the allocation of water use entitlements. ...
Decent work : the promotion of equal treatment and opportunity in the South African workforce with regards to gender
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)
Decent work as established by the International Labour Organisation entails productive work for women and men in conditions of freedom, equality, security and human dignity. One of the primary goals of decent work is the ...
A Critical Analysis of the Impact of the Role of Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration on Social Justice in South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa)., 2008)
Employment relations in South Africa have evolved through various phases
culminating in the current dispensation initiated by the democratic system of
government in 1994. The South African Constitution is the supreme law ...
Die kind se grondwetlike reg tot basiese onderwys en die verpligting van die staat tot voorsiening van infrastruktuur
Section 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 states that everyone has the right to basic education. This provision must be interpreted in order to determine whether it refers to a period of education, ...
Unfair discrimination based on pregnancy within the mining industry
(North-West University, 2012)
This dissertation scrutinises the impact of pregnancy challenges on the mining industry, taking the right of equality and unfair discrimination into consideration.
Pre-employment pregnancy testing is an acceptable practice ...
The elimination of discrimination against women in the composition of company boards by application of the King IV Report on Corporate Governance
(North-West University (South Africa)., 2023)
"No abstract"
Statutêre ondermyning van die Rechtsstaat-idee : Suid-Afrika onder die vergrootglas
(North-West University (South Africa)., 2001)
During the previous constitutional dispensation, South Africa could not qualify
as a Rechtsstaat (the English equivalent for Rechtsstaat can be translated as
constitutional state for purposes of this dissertation). This ...