Browsing by Thesis Type
Now showing items 1-20 of 509
Aanpassing van die studie-oriëntasievraelys in Wiskunde vir gebruik in die intermediêre fase
(North-West University, 2008)The primary aim of this study was to develop a study orientation questionnaire in Mathematics with which learners, teachers and counsellors could be introduced to basic principles of the effective learning of Mathematics ... -
Die aard en impak van psigologiese geweld op sekondêreskool-onderwysers : riglyne vir ondersteuning
(2014)Psychological violence is mistreatment that is severe enough to influence the target person's health, to destroy his work or total career and overstrain his relationship with his family or friends. The impact of psychological ... -
Academic resilience attributes of Tembisa Township post-school youth of Gauteng Province in South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)The purpose of this research was to investigate academic resilience attributes and identify aspects in the context of post-school youth participants' lived experiences that have contributed to sustaining these youth, leading ... -
Accommodating and promoting multilingualism through blended learning
(North-West University, 2011)Multilingualism is a reality in South African classrooms. The Constitution of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996) and the national language policy recognize language rights and aims at supporting, promoting and developing the ... -
Addressing cerebral palsy through inclusive citizenship education in Bojanala District, North West Province
(North-West University (South Africa)., 2023)The aim of this study was to explore whether inclusive citizenship education could address the needs of families with members living with cerebral palsy in the rural parts of the Bojanala District in the North West Province. ... -
Advancing scholarship of teaching and learning during professional development of new lecturers at higher education institutions
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2017)In this study, induction programmes and scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) at higher education institutions in Australia, America, the UK, Sweden and South Africa were explored through a literature study. The ... -
Affordances of engagement strategies in chemistry : learning the periodic table
(North-West University (South Africa)., 2022)This study examined the impact of music, context-based inquiry and computer simulation as engagement strategies to determine the affordances of the engagement strategies in chemistry which could be realised by determining ... -
The affordances of ethnomathematical perspectives in pre-service Mathematics teacher education at selected universities in South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa)., 2023)The rationale for this study was to investigate the affordances of ethnomathematical perspectives in pre-service mathematics teacher education at selected universities in South Africa. Over the past decades, researchers ... -
'n Analise van die organisasiekultuur van toppresterende skole
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1993)Organisational culture has become a fashion word in the corporate community. In teaching circles, more and more people are realizing that organisational culture determines the successful realization of educational teaching. ... -
An analysis of the determinants of the self–regulated learning abilities of students from an environmentally–deprived community
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1995)The aim of this study was to analyse the determinants of self-regulated learning abilities Of students from an environmentally-deprived community, and to determine the relationship between self-regulated learning and ... -
An analysis of the relationship between writing skills and Short Messaging Service language : a self–regulatory perspective
(North-West University, 2011)Self–regulation in writing is viewed as critically important in order to be a good writer. With the advent of cellular telephony, what passes as ‘good’ writing is being challenged with the introduction of the abbreviated ... -
The antecedents of resilience among street children
(North-West University, 2009)The chief focus of this study was on unearthing the antecedents of resilience in children on the street and street children in institutional care. This study was motivated by the desire to understand what made some street ... -
Anthropological dualism in Korean church education
(North-West University, 2007)The Christian church was begun in 19Ih century in the traditionally multi-religious society in Korea. Christianity holds a major position in Korea today and has for the past 20 years been growing rapidly in numbers. ... -
Apartheid en die toepassing van die beginsel daarvan in die skoolopvoeding in Suid–Afrika, 1652–1956
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1959) -
Application of choice theory in managing and influencing challenging learner behaviour in schools in the Ngaka Modiri Molema District
(2015)It is generally known that school discipline is gradually collapsing in South African schools. Learners seem uncontrollable thus posing a challenge to effective teaching and learning. To address the situation, educators ... -
Applied competence in a distance learning programme for the professional development of foundation phase teachers
(2015)The ongoing debate about the capacity of distance learning (DL) to assist in the development of teaching skills and to improve teaching practice is the focus of many inquiries in the field of teacher education. The ... -
An approach for the implementation of technology education in schools in the North West province
(2007)Technology is the generic term that includes all the technologies people develop and use in their lives. In the learning area it is the purposeful application of knowledge, experience and resources to create products that ... -
Aspekte van die onderwysontwikkeling in Suidwes–Afrika, 1915–1960
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1965) -
Aspekte van onderwysontwikkeling in Transvaalse provinsiale skole vir blankes in die tydperk, 1950–1963
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1971)This research focussed on the development of certain aspects of teaching practice in the Transvaal in the period 1950-1963 which co-incided with the directorship of the late Dr. A.H. du P. van Wyk. It encompasses the ... -
Assessing the impact science centres have on the holistic development of science learners
(North-West University, 2007)The turn of the 21st century dawned with an increasing number of interactive science centres worldwide. South Africa is no exception as the number of science centres are also on the increase in the country. The science ...