Now showing items 1-272 of 272

      R171 [1]
      Race [5]
      race [1]
      Racial differences [2]
      Racial minority group [1]
      radioaktiewe merkers [1]
      Radiomerkers [1]
      Radiopharmaceutical [1]
      Radiopharmaceuticals [1]
      radiotracer [1]
      Radiotracers [2]
      radiotracers [1]
      Radon-222 [1]
      Raffinadery [2]
      Rainbow Nation [1]
      Raised blood pressure [1]
      Randomised controlled trial [1]
      Rap-Stoermer condensation [1]
      Rape [3]
      Rape survivors [1]
      Rape trauma syndrome [1]
      Rapid review [9]
      rapid review [3]
      Rapid review methodology [1]
      Rapid weight loss techniques [1]
      Rapporteer [1]
      Ras [1]
      Rasagiline [2]
      Rat [1]
      Rational drug use [1]
      Rats [3]
      Ratsheid [1]
      Re-authoring life story [1]
      Reactive oxygen species [1]
      reactive oxygen species [1]
      Reactive oxygen species (ROS) [3]
      Reaktiewe suurstof spesies [1]
      Reaktiewe suurstof spesies (ROS) [1]
      Real-time cell analysis [1]
      Reappraisal of life [1]
      Reasons for use [1]
      Recipients [1]
      Reciprocal [1]
      Recognition of prior learning (RPL) [1]
      Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) [1]
      Recommended standard treatment guidelines [1]
      Reconstruction [1]
      Recovery efficiency [1]
      Recovery process [1]
      Recovery-Stress-Questionnaire [1]
      Recreation [2]
      Recreation management [1]
      Recreational activities [1]
      recreational sport [1]
      Recrystallisation [2]
      Recrystallisation process [1]
      Red blood cell [1]
      Red blood cell count [1]
      Red palm olein [1]
      Redes vir gebruik [1]
      Reële tyd van selanalise [1]
      Reference medicine price list [1]
      References [1]
      Referral [1]
      Referral hospitals [1]
      referral to outpatient care [1]
      Refill-adherence rates [1]
      Refinery [2]
      Reflection [1]
      reflective practice [1]
      Reflexology [1]
      Regimen change [1]
      Region specific gastrointestinal absorption [1]
      Region-specific transport [1]
      Registered counsellor [1]
      Registered nurse [1]
      registered nurse [2]
      Registered nurses [2]
      registered nurses [1]
      Registration details [1]
      Regulation [2]
      Regulator [1]
      Regulering [1]
      Rehabilitasie [1]
      Rehabilitated alcoholic [1]
      Rehabilitation [2]
      Reinforcement [1]
      Reinol Solvgard barrier cream [1]
      Rekenaargebaseerde inligtingstelsel [1]
      Rekristallisasie [1]
      Relapse [2]
      relapse prevention [1]
      Relatedness [2]
      relational qualities [1]
      Relational strengths [1]
      relational stress [1]
      relations [1]
      Relationship [2]
      Relationship interventions [1]
      Relationship qualities [1]
      relationships [1]
      Relative humidity [1]
      Release [2]
      Reliability [2]
      Religion [3]
      Religious service [1]
      Remedial accompaniment and support [1]
      Remediërende onderrig [1]
      Renal dysfunction [1]
      Renal function [1]
      Renal safety [1]
      Renin [1]
      renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system [1]
      Renovascular disease [1]
      Repeated histories [1]
      Reporting [3]
      Reporting guidelines [1]
      reporting of child sexual abuse [1]
      Reproducibility [1]
      Repurposing [1]
      Research [3]
      Research approach [1]
      Research capacity [1]
      Research methods [1]
      research methods [1]
      Research trends [1]
      research utilization [1]
      Research utilization barriers [1]
      research-capacity needs [1]
      Resepterende dokters [1]
      Reseptering [1]
      Residensiële sorgfasiliteit [1]
      Residential care [1]
      Residential care facility [1]
      Residential Facility [1]
      Residential neighbourhoods [1]
      Residual Solvents [1]
      Resilience [26]
      resilience [2]
      Resilient/ resilience [1]
      Resistance [3]
      resistance [2]
      Resistance patterns [1]
      Resisted jump training [1]
      Resolution [1]
      Resource drivers [1]
      resource-constrained environment [1]
      Resource-constrained environments [1]
      Resources [1]
      resources [3]
      respect [1]
      Respirable [1]
      Respirable and inhalable dust [1]
      Respirable dust [2]
      Respirable silica dust [1]
      Respiratories [1]
      Respiratoriese blootstelling [3]
      Respiratory [1]
      Respiratory exposure [4]
      respiratory exposure [1]
      Responsibilities [1]
      Responsibility [1]
      Responsible|Sensible drinking|Hazardous or increased risk|Harmful or definitely dangerous|Binge drinking|Alcohol abuse [1]
      Responsive care giving [1]
      Retail [1]
      retail [1]
      Retail environment [1]
      Retail pharmacy [1]
      Retention [1]
      Retention efficiency [1]
      Retinal vessel calibres [1]
      retinal vessel calibres [1]
      Retinal vessel dynamics [1]
      Retirement village [1]
      Retrenchment [1]
      Retrospective cohort design [1]
      Retrospective drug utilisation review [1]
      Retrospektiewe medisyneverbruiksevaluering [1]
      Reversibility [3]
      Reversible [2]
      Reversible inhibition [4]
      Reversible inhibitors [1]
      Reward [1]
      RGM [1]
      rheometry [1]
      Rheumatoid arthritis [2]
      rheumatoid arthritis [1]
      Rhodamien 123 [1]
      Rhodamine 123 [10]
      Rhodium [3]
      Ribavirin [1]
      Rifampicin [5]
      rifampicin [1]
      Rights [1]
      Riglyne [1]
      riglyne [1]
      rinary-albumin-to-creatinine ratio [1]
      Risiko [1]
      Risikofaktore [1]
      Risikofaktore vir karbapenemweerstandigheid [1]
      Risk [1]
      Risk adversity [1]
      Risk and protective factors [2]
      Risk assessment [2]
      risk behaviour [1]
      Risk factor [2]
      risk factor [1]
      Risk factors [9]
      risk factors [1]
      Risk factors for carbapenem resistance [1]
      Risk-behaviour [1]
      Risk-taking [1]
      Risk-taking behaviour [1]
      risky sexual behaviour [1]
      Ritanserin [1]
      Ritonavir [2]
      Robinsoniella [1]
      ROC [1]
      Rodium [2]
      Roksitromisien [2]
      Role [1]
      role modelling [1]
      Role strain [1]
      Roles and responsibilities [1]
      Rolspeler [1]
      Rooibloedselle [1]
      Rooibos [1]
      Rooibos tea extract [1]
      Rooming-in [1]
      Ropes course [1]
      Rorschach Inkblot [1]
      ROS analysis [1]
      Rosa rubiginosa [1]
      Rotating bioreactors [1]
      Rouproses [1]
      Rouproses oor moederlike verlies tydens kinderjare [1]
      Roxithromycin [7]
      RPMI 2650 [1]
      RSA 11 [1]
      RSS analise [1]
      Rugby [3]
      Rugby performance [2]
      Rugby players [1]
      Rugby Sevens [2]
      Rugby unie [2]
      Rugby Union [1]
      Rugby union [5]
      Rugby union injuries [1]
      Rugby union players [1]
      Rugby unoin players [1]
      Rugbyspelers [1]
      Rugbyunie spelers [1]
      Rumatoïde artritis [1]
      Runners [1]
      Running injuries [1]
      Rural [4]
      rural [1]
      Rural area [3]
      Rural areas [1]
      Rural communities [1]
      Rural community [2]
      Rural consumer [1]
      Rural consumers [1]
      Rural district hospital [1]
      Rural health advocacy project (RHAP) [1]
      Rural high-risk community [1]
      Rural hospital [1]
      Rural public hospital [1]
      rural setting [1]
      Rural South Africa [1]
      Rutenium [1]
      Ruthenium [1]