Now showing items 1-2 of 2
'n Motoriese, fisieke en liggaamsamestellingsprofiel en die effek van 'n perseptueel–motoriese ontwikkelingsprogram by graad 1–leerders in die Noordwes–Provinsie
(North-West University, 2012)
Several researchers have reported that the perceptual-motor skills of today’s children are not optimally developed. Furthermore, childhood obesity has increased worldwide and is a cause for concern due to the effect that ...
Die effek van 'n fisieke-aktiwiteits-, dieet en gedragsveranderingsintervensie op obesiteit by 9-12 jarige kinders
(North-West University, 2008)
Various research studies have indicated that the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents has increased worldwide and has, therefore, become a serious health problem. Besides the various health ...