Now showing items 11-18 of 18
Die effek van energie-, proteïen-, vitamien-, en mineraalsupplementering op die voedingstatus van gehospitaliseerde bejaardes
(North-West University (South-Africa), 1984)
At present about 4% of the total population of South Africa is older than 65
years. The combined effect of the decrease in fertility and mortality has
resulted in a increase in the percentage of the elderly. Seven ...
'n Klinies-diagnostiese ondersoek na persoonlikheidsaspekte van twee groepe porfirie-lyers
(North-West University (South-Africa), 1980)
Porphyria, a metabolic aberrant condition which is
transmitted genetically from one generation to the
next, is also often called the disease that strikes
in the dark. Because the number of sufferers of
porphyria ...
Die gebruik van die kardiopulmonêre vloei-indeks om hartdefekte by mens en proefdier waar te neem
(North-West University (South-Africa), 1982)
The efficiency of the cardiopulmonary flow index
(CPFI) to detect cardiac defects and to evaluate therapy
in man and animal is tested. The CPFI seems to be
sensitive enough to evaluate vasodilator and inotropic ...
A psychological profile of alcoholics at the termination of treatment
(North-West University (South-Africa), 1981)
In chapter one the motivation for investigating the psychological profile of
male alcoholics was suggested. His past pathological history, his present
anxiety about his future when he re-enters his environment were ...
Die probleem van oorbrugging van die rol van studentverpleegkundige na dié van geregistreerde verpleegkundige
(North-West University (South-Africa), 1989)
The project was undertaken to determine to what degree the training
of the student nurse prepares her for the role she has to fulfil as
ward ...
Fisiologiese reaksies as hittestres voorspellers
(North-West University (South-Africa), 1989)
High environmental temperatures are a common problem in South
African industry and influence the health and performance of
factory workers. The siting of industry along the coast
(especially the Natal coast) and the ...
'n Ondersoek na faktore wat plasmafibrinogeenvlakke beïvloed
(North-West University (South-Africa), 1989)
Recent epidemiological studies have indicated that plasma
fibrinogen and factor VII coagulant activity are major risk
factors for the development of coronary heart disease (CHD).
Clinical as well as experimental studies ...
Die invloed van dieetcholesterol op serumlipiede, lewercholesterol en plasmafibrinogeen by die homosigotiese maer Zuckerrot
(North-West University (South-Africa), 1989)
The effects of dietary cholesterol in the form of egg yolk or pure cholesterol
(with and without bile acid additions) on serum and liver lipids as well as
plasma fibrinogen levels, were examined in homozygous lean ...