Browsing Theology by Title
Now showing items 27-46 of 793
Balancing pastoral care and social outreach in the best interest of rural communities : a practical theological study
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2021)Socio-economic, spiritual and contextual forces combine to compel the rural church by intent or default to often inevitably assume leading roles in provision of services and care to its congregations and rural community ... -
Baptism in early Christianity: a critical investigation of relevant Christian writings (80 – 325 A.D.)
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2020)This research project deals with the practice of the baptism in the early church and thus during the time of the origins of Christianity. Its main interest is to offer a substantiated answer to the following question: did ... -
Die begeleiding van die gedissosieerde persoon tot geestelike en emosionele groei : 'n pastorale studie
(North-West University, 2005)Because of the inability to deal with traumatic and stressful situations it often happens that a person dissociates. These people then 'move out of the situation', so to speak. The dissociated person can be spiritually, ... -
Begeleiding van die middeljarige wit Afrikaanse man tydens verpligte aflegging: ’n Narratief-pastorale benadering
(North-West University, 2018)Die middeljarige wit Afrikaanse man wat homself in die werkplek betref, vind homself in ʼn uitdagende situasie. Om afgelê te word by die werk, skep geweldige trauma veral as gevolg van die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika. Wit ... -
Die begeleiding van gesinne in die plaaslike kerk binne die konteks van die postmodernisme : 'n prakties-teologiese benadering
(North-West University, 2004)Family guidance in the local congregation, within the context of post modernism: a practical theological approach. Many critics and academics are of the opinion that the family as an entity headed for extinction. The most ... -
Die belangrikheid van die stappe van rou en vergifnis in die herstelproses van die emosioneel verwonde persoon : 'n pastorale studie
(North-West University, 2008)This study deals with the importance of the steps of grief and forgiveness in the recovery of the emotionally wounded person. The basis theoretical research clearly showed that God is the source of healing and forgiveness. ... -
Beoordeling van Messiaanse Christene se wetsonderhouding vanuit ʼn pentekostalistiese perspektief
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2023-11)Many Pentecostal and other Christian believers are exposed to the Hebrew Roots teachings. These Hebrew Roots groups consider themselves to be “true” Christians and advocate that Christians should return to their Jewish ... -
Die beoordeling van woordorde–variante in die manuskripte van die Griekse Nuwe Testament met besondere aandag aan die Evangelie volgens Lukas : 'n metodologiese studie
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1978)Transposition of words and word-groups is one of the most common phenomena in the manuscripts of the Greek New Testament. The frequency of variation in word-order can undoubtedly be ascribed to the freedom of Greek in ... -
Die betekenis en ekklesiologiese implikasies van die uitdrukking "oikos tehou" in 1 Timoteus 3:15 : 'n openbaringshistoriese ondersoek
(North-West University, 2002)The central theoretical argument of this study demonstrates that the ... as used in 1 Timothy 3:15 points towards both the house of God and the family of God. It further serves as a powerful metaphor to be employed within ... -
Die betekenis van die Vaderskap van God in die pastorale begeleiding van aangenome kinders
(North-West University, 2009)This study focuses on the meaning of the Fatherhood of God in the counselling of the adoptee. A study of relevant literature has shown that the metaphor "God the Father" is seldom incorporated in pastoral counselling. This ... -
Die betekenis van geregtigheid (dikaiosune) in Matteus : 'n openbaringshistoriese studie
(North-West University, 2012)The word δηθαηνζύλε occurs 92 times in 86 verses in the Greek New Testament. With regard to the four gospels, its incidence is the highest (70%) in Matthew. Among the other synoptic writers, only Luke uses it, and only ... -
Biblical counselling for spiritually wounded women who suffered the 1994 genocide : a case study of Rwandese women between ages 35-55, living in Kibuye
(North-West University, 2008)This study was prompted by the remarkable need for pastoral counselling for wounded Rwandese women. Many women that survived the 1994 genocide in Rwanda had been widowed, raped and beaten, had cut their arms and legs, had ... -
Biblical counselling of Sotho christians in Synod Midlands believing in witchcraft
(North-West University, 2007)The main problem, which this study aims to address is: what Biblical counselling can be given to Sotho Christian members who believe in Witchcraft? In addressing this problem the study will attempt to answer the following ... -
A biblical evaluation of avenging spirits (ngozi) among the Shona people of Zimbabwe : a pastoral response
(North-West University, 2008)This study is a biblical evaluation of avenging spirits (ngozi) among the Shona people of Zimbabwe. It investigates the Shona understanding of ngozi, the biblical teaching on the spirits that manifest as those of the dead ... -
A biblical investigation of the Pauline apologetic framework and its implications for evangelism in a postmodern context
(North-West University, 2011)This work is an investigation to uncover the apologetic framework used by the Apostle Paul and discuss how it might be applied to current evangelistic efforts in Postmodernism. To be certain, there are a number of issues ... -
Biblical leadership and healthy church growth : perspectives from the Reformed Churches in South Africa
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2021)Studies on church growth were conducted extensively in the whole world. The strategies and indications of church growth or decline were mainly the focus of the studies. The church growth movement has Donald McGavran as the ... -
Biblical mediation as a short-term method for reconcil[i]ation in troubled marriages : a pastoral study
(North-West University, 2007)The central theoretical argument of this study is that biblical mediation may be a useful short-term method for use in pastoral care, specifically within the bounds of reconciliation in troubled marriages. The goal of ... -
Biblical understanding applied to contemporary African Christian methods of exorcism
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2020)Africans are deeply religious people who take their religion with them and in them, wherever they go (Mbiti, 1991:1). Life in an African society is directed by religion (Idang, 2015:104) Religion dictates how Africans ... -
Binding aan kerklike besluite : 'n gereformeerd kerkregtelike studie
(North-West University, 2004)According to the tradition of the Reformed church polity, believers commit themselves on grounds of their common faith and confession to certain matters. The critical question which has to be answered in this study, is: ...