Browsing Theology by Title
Now showing items 451-470 of 793
’n Alternatief vir die Premillennialistiese standpunt in die AGS van SA
(North-West University, 2018)Getrou aan die Pinkster tradisie is die AGS Kerk se eskatologiese benadering hoofsaaklik Premillennialisties. Soms word na Premillennialisme verwys as 'n filosofie van geskiedenis. God is in die geskiedenis besig om sy ... -
'n Gereformeerd-kerkregtelike beoordeling van die predikant se verbintenis aan die plaaslike kerk
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2001)In the new political dispensation since 1994 it becomes clear that the government describes the bond between the minister of religion and the local church as an employer-employee relationship, within the power of control ... -
'n Hermeneutiese beoordeling van Johannes Calvyn se hantering van meervoudige verklarings van Bybeltekste in sy kommentaar op die Romeinebrief
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2017)An integral part of the practice of exegesis of a Bible text is that the exegete often considers various possible explanations and interpretations of the text, and eventually makes his choice on the basis of the hermeneutic ... -
‘n Kerkhistoriese ondersoek na die profesië en openbarings van Johanna M. Brand, Andries A. S. le Fleur en Niklaas P. J. van Rensburg binne die tydsgees van 1900 - 1950
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2021)This is a comparative literature study about the dreams, visions, prophesies and other super-natural experiences or revelations of Johanna M. Brandt, Andries Abraham Stockenström le Fleur and Niklaas Pieter Johannes van ... -
'n Pastoraal-teologiese studie oor effektiewe en verantwoordelike leierskap van die Afrikaanssprekende predikant in die gemeente se roeping
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)The aim of this study was to determine what the role of effective and responsible leadership of the minister is in the congregation’s call, specifically that of the Afrikaans-speaking minister in congregations with a ... -
'n Pastorale studie oor ouerskapstyl met besondere verwysing na Dawid
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)In this study, which is approached according to the research method of Richard Osmer (2008:4-29), focus will be on a pastoral parenting style with special reference to the Biblical figure, David. The question around parenting ... -
'n Prakties-teologiese ondersoek van die ''mekaar"- opdragte in die Corpus Paulinum met die oog op kerklike geloofsgemeenskap
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2000)Hierdie Prakties-Teologiese ondersoek van die 'mekaar'-opdragte in die Corpus Paulinum met die oog op kerklike geloofsgemeenskap, word in hoofstuk 1 na verskillende kante verantwoord. Die verantwoording geskied ten opsigte ... -
n Rasioneel-analitiese pastorale model om pastorante in die vernuwing van denke te begelei
(North-West University, 2019)Onveranderde denke lei tot onveranderde optrede. Die studie het ten doel gehad om ’n rasioneelanalitiese pastorale model daar te stel om pastorante in die vernuwing van denke te begelei en vanuit ’n Christelike raamwerk ... -
The nature of the law's fulfilment in Matthew 5:17-20 : an exegetical and theological study
(2015)The relationship between Law and Gospel remains something of a conundrum for biblical scholarship. A significant factor contributing to this difficulty is the interpretation of Matthew 5:17, and in particular what is meant ... -
Die Nederduits Hervormde of Gereformeerde Kerk in Brits–Oos–Afrika en Duits–Oos–Afrika
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1978) -
The neglect of cities in the missionary work of the Reformed Churches in Southern Africa with special reference to churches of Synod Soutpansberg
(North-West University, 2007)This research reviewed the neglect of cities in the mission work of the Reformed Churches in Southern Africa with a special reference to churches of Synod Soutpansberg. The biblical passage, Jeremiah 29:1-14 was used, as ... -
The New Testament miracles: a corrective study for application in the Brazilian Reformed Calvinist churches
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2020)What cannot be explained by natural laws or considered unusual is called supernatural or extraordinary. These elements were always related to the human history and became part of mankind social formation, whether religious ... -
Norman Geisler’s sublapsarian Calvinistic soteriology : a critical analysis from a reformed perspective
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2022)Evangelical theologian Norman L. Geisler is a prolific Christian theologian, philosopher, apologist, and educator, whose influence has substantially impacted American evangelicalism and beyond. Geisler has authored over ... -
The North of Ireland Keswick Convention : an intensive evaluation of its impact on Protestantism in the North of Ireland since 1914
(North-West University in co-operation with Greenwich School of Theology, 2013)There can be no doubt that the Keswick Convention in Cumbria, England has had an enormous impact on the lives of many Christians and churches worldwide since its foundation in 1875. This thesis traces its history, albeit ... -
Noutetiese berading van persone met piëtistiese mistastings oor lewensheiligheid
(North-West University, 2009)In the rich diversity of forms of the Christian Church, there are different perspectives on how believers ought to live holy lives and how their sanctification should progress. As such, the piety and sanctification of ... -
The “Octavius” of Minucius Felix: a tool for modern day Christians in their defence of the gospel
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2020)The Octavius of Minucius Felix was written at around A.D. 200 by a little-known Latin apologist. While there are similarities to his contemporary Tertullian, the Octavius stands as an independent work that is easily ... -
Offering the gospel adapanon : an interpretation and application of 1 Corinthians 9:18
(North-West University, 2010)Albeit that often the only solution left to poor congregations in Africa is the practice of tentmaker ministry, this phenomenon remains problematic. There is a lack of job opportunities in the rural areas, and dividing ... -
On the economic empowerment of ancient Israel : the Ten Words in Exodus 20:1-17 deconstructed
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2021)The Decalogue, or Ten Words, has been studied extensively albeit hesitantly, focusing mostly on its authoritative and enduring status. Scholarly enquiry has not fully considered the outcome of adherence to the prohibitions ... -
Onderrig tot getuienis as 'n doelpunt van die kategese
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1989)EDUCATION TOWARDS WITNESS AS AN AIM OF CATECHESIS 1. THE AIM OF THE STUDY The purpose of this investigation was to determine, on consideration of data from the New Testament, whether education towards witness is an aim of ... -
"Ons weet omdat ons glo!" : 'n eksegeties-openbaringshistoriese studie vanuit Hebreërs 10:38-11:3 toegepas op die problematiek van die verhouding tussen geloof en kennis
(North-West University, 2004)Influenced by the postmodernist views of the early 21st century, the so-called New Reformation Movement pleads for a changed view of Scripture and a new way of Scriptural understanding for theology in South Africa. This ...