Browsing Theology by Title
Now showing items 135-154 of 793
D.T. Niles’ theory of preaching : a Reformation assessment
(2015)The purpose of this thesis is to ascertain to what extent D.T. Niles’ theory of preaching is Reformed and Biblical and can help in the dialogue between Western and Non-Western Christianity. The study achieves this aim by ... -
The decline of the Christian church in Turkey in the 15th and 20th century : a church–historical study
(North-West University, 2010)This thesis explores the reasons that contributed to the decline of the Christian population during the Byzantine and the Ottoman Empires. Furthermore, the study compares the differences and similarities in the causes ... -
Deliverance from mahamba in the Garenganze community: issues derived from a dogmatic perspective
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2020)Since the early twentieth century, the Garenganze Community, in the province of Lualaba in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has established its chapels in several villages of the Bakalwena. In this region, the phenomenon ... -
The dependence between the gospels and pagan literature with regard to death and return; towards a method for evaluation
(North-West University, 2017) -
The development and validation of a value system assessment scale : a practical theological approach
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2015)This study aimed to identify, develop and validate a multidimensional scale to measure the role of value systems in relationship management to assist pastoral counsellors to make counselees aware of their value systems on ... -
The development of leadership in the Anglican Church : the impact of a training program in the Anglican Diocese of Central Zambia on church growth
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2021)The concept of leadership in faith-based organizations may seem to be vague when we view the entire concept in the field of leadership. This is more so as it has to do with divine concepts and matters that are spiritual ... -
A dialogue between African philosophy and missio Dei: koinonia and ubuntu
(2013)Missionaries came along with colonial powers with the sincere, but culturally misguided, attempt to save primitives, ignorant of the true religion of Africans. An African was regarded as a child who needed to be nurtured ... -
Diaspora missiology : the emerging apostolic role of Chinese migrants in Africa and Middle East colligate with Trinitarian Missio Dei
(2015)Missio Dei is a phrase used to describe the mission of God, as revealed in Scripture. One of the key verses to understanding the ultimate goal of God’s mission is the vision of heaven given to the Apostle John in the Book ... -
Die antropologiese onderbou van die gereformeerde pastoraat met spesiale verwysing na die client-centred Amerikaanse pastoraat
(North-West University (South-Africa), 1974)"Abstract not available" -
Die begeleiding van die geloofsgemeenskap tot die skep van ’n rimpel-effek van geregtigheid: ’n Prakties-teologiese studie
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2020)The focus of this study is to investigate and to provide guidance to the faith community (the church) regarding the realization of the ripple effect and nature of righteousness. Years ago, Firet (1978:33) used the term ... -
Die Brits-Israeli beweging onder wit Afrikaanssprekendes: Vorming van identiteit in die "Nuwe Suid-Afrika"
(North-West University, 2019)There is an observable increase in the numbers of the Israel-Vision (British-Israeli) movement in South Africa. Many church members are confronted with the ideologies of this movement and leave their churches as a result. ... -
Die CJH de Wet-saak: 'n Histories-kerkregtelike beoordeling
(North-West University, 2019)Casparus Jan Hendrik de Wet (1887 — 1959) is in die Suid-Afrikaanse kerkgeskiedenis ’n besondere figuur en ’n soort skadufiguur in die geskiedenis van die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (GKSA). Sy lewe en bydrae in die ... -
Die effek van toksiese godsdiens : pastorale begeleiding van die geestelik verwonde persoon
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2022)In this study, the theme is: The effect of toxic religion: Pastoral guidance of the spiritually wounded person. The aim or goal is the ultimate formulation of a pastoral conversation model for the pastoral guidance of ... -
Die erediens as instrument in gemeentebou
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2001)This mini-dissertation studies the worship service as instrument in congregation building. In chapter 2 congregation building is defined as the unique ministry whereby the congregation is led to become what they as ... -
Die gebruik van die sosiale netwerk Facebook as deel van ‘n pastorale benadering tot emosioneel verwonde adolessente
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2017)In this study the theme is: The use of the social network Facebook as part of a pastoral approach towards emotionally wounded adolescents. The objective is the eventual formulation of a pastoral counselling model for guiding ... -
Die gebruik van musiek as deel van pastorale berading aan persone wat worstel met swaarmoedigheid
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2021)Background: In today’s postmodern world, pastoral care is facing several challenges. Until recently, pastoral counselling was founded on a modernist intellectual-analytical approach and therefore the focus was mostly ... -
Die geskiedenis van die kategese In die Gereformeerde kerke in Suid Afrika, 1859 - 2009
(North-West University, 2010)This study is a scientific investigation of the history of catechesis in the Reformed Churches in South Africa from 1859 to 2009. A full picture of the history of catechesis in the Reformed Churches in South Africa is ... -
Die impak van die korporatiewe erediens liturgie op die liturgie van die individuele geloofslewe
(North-West University (South Africa), Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)Liturgie moet doelbewus die transformasie van die wereld as 'n oogmerk of uitkoms he. Sweet (1999:58) se: "If there is darkness, the blame should be attached where it belongs; not to the world that is dark, but to the ... -
Die invloed van verwerping op 'n individu se Godsbeskouing : 'n pastorale verkenning
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)Verwerping – daardie liefdelose verskynsel dat mense ander verstoot – is nie iets nuuts nie. Die meeste mense kan in mindere of meerdere mate iewers in hulle leeftyd verwerping ervaar. Hierdie belewing is selfs nie ongekend ... -
Die kerk as verteenwoordiger van God in die plaaslike gemeenskap in Suid-Afrika : 'n praktiese-teologiese studie
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)Gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika ervaar tans geweldige uitdagings. Die kerk, as gemeenskap van gelowiges, is kragtens haar wese veronderstel om ʼn groot bydrae tot die hantering van die uitdagings te lewer, maar dit gebeur nie ...