Browsing Theology by Title
Now showing items 651-670 of 793
"Saam met Christus gekruisig" en die etiek in die Briewe van Paulus : 'n eksegetiese studie
(North-West University, 2007)The aim of this study is to determine how the metaphor 'being crucified with Christ influences the ethics in Paul's letters. The approach is exegetical. The first purpose was to construct the socio-historical context of ... -
Saamwoon voor die huwelik : 'n teologies-etiese beoordeling
(North-West University, 2005)The problem that is studied is formulated in chapter 1. It boils down to the fact that nowadays, also in churches with 'mainly white congregations, there are different viewpoints on living together. It varies from a ... -
The Sabbath commandment in Exodus 20:8-11 in the light of the first creation account
(2015)This study is an attempt to define more clearly the Sabbath institution as it is presented in Exodus 20:8-11. It begins by describing the big-picture contours of the Sabbath institution as it has been depicted by various ... -
Salvation as doctrine of Reconciliation: a theology of Reconciliation in the Context of Conflict between Myanmar ethnic Groups
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2020)This research will present „Salvation‟ as reconciliation and explore the lack of the Myanmar Churches‟ missional work. It will also propose the need to engage more in a reconciliation ministry as a part of fulfilling the ... -
Salvation, revelation, and rejection : foundations for a hermeneutic of certainty in Luke 1-7
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2022)This study answers recent calls to explore the narratives of the gospels as “proper conclusion[s to] an already existing and presupposed narrative” (Wright, 2013:194). Such an approach necessitates going beyond narrative ... -
Sanctuary cult in relation to religious piety in the Book of Psalms
(North-West University, 2012)The specific thesis that is tested in this study is that there is continual interaction between the sanctuary cult and personal religious experience in the Book of Psalms. The main theoretical argument is that the sanctuary ... -
The scriptural challenge to African views on the concept of resurrection
(North-West University, 2009)This study investigates the African Christian's views with regard to the resurrection of the body. An attempt is done to do an intensive research regarding the aspects such as the origin of man, the soul/spirit, body, ... -
A scriptural, theological and historical analysis of Matthew Vines's argument for the biblical support for same-sex marriages
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2022)This thesis offers a critical assessment of Matthew Vines’s views about gay marriage. Vines is one of the leading voices of our time promoting “gay Christianity.” His reasoning supporting gay Christian thought is becoming ... -
Secularism as opportunity to expose Turkish Muslims in Ris-Orangis to the Biblical gospel
(North-West University, 2019)The Gospel is for all peoples and this includes the Turks. Turkey prides itself on having been modelled on the secular democracies of Western Europe but it nonetheless re-mains a profoundly Islamic country with diversified ... -
Seksuele frustrasie in die huwelik : 'n pastorale studie
(North-West University, 2008)Hierdie studie handel oor seksuele frustrasie binne die konteks van die huwelik, en dit gesien vanuit 'n prakties-teologiese vertrekpunt. Vanaf die Bybelse tyd word die seksuele daad verkeerd verstaan. Die sekulere mens ... -
Self-mutilasie deur jongmense : 'n pastorale evaluering
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)The theme that has been explored in this study is: Self-mutilation in young people – A Pastoral evaluation. The research objective is to formulate a number of effective guidelines for those involved with the pastoral care ... -
Semeiotic Preaching — an ancient-future homiletical model for preaching in a postmodern digitised culture
(North-West University, 2018)The central theological argument in this thesis is to prove that semeiotic preaching is an effective ancient homiletical model for preaching (i.e. communicating) more effectively to the audiences of the digitised culture. ... -
The servant leadership paradigm of Jesus Christ applied in a current pastoral context
(North-West University, 2019)The church, a congregation of believers, functions optimally under the leadership of effective and capable leaders. Pastors or ministers are charged with the responsibility of ‘feeding’ the lambs of God. This assignment ... -
Seventh-Day Adventist Community of Africa (Sedcom): A theological-ethical assessment
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2023)The Natives Land Act of 1913 that endorsed and prevented black South Africans from owning land, whose section 2 also prohibited Black people from occupying white land, particularly for economic well-being and stability ... -
Shame : a pastoral study
(North-West University, 2005)Shame may be considered one of the most painful emotions that an individual must endure. Recent research within the scientific discipline of theology has identified the fact that there has been little theological study ... -
Sharing in Christ’s Glory : a study of Doxa in 1 Peter
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2021)The renaissance in Petrine studies during the latter half of the 20th century saw a number of scholarly works examining 1 Peter with renewed vitality. Rather than being primarily concerned to identify possible underlying ... -
Showing forth the great works of God: the witness of the people of God in the socio-historic context of 1 Peter and its implication for the church today
(North-West University, 2019)Christian communities often refer to the book of Acts and the missionary preaching of the apostle Paul when they consider their witness to society. Missionary preaching is therefore often seen as the main mode for witness ... -
Sin, sickness and han : the intersection between the hamartiologies of Andrew Sung Park and Irenaeus of Lyons
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2022)This thesis brings to light the intersections between the work of Andrew Sung Park and the Early Eastern Fathers, especially Irenaeus of Lyons, regarding their understandings of hamartiology, the study of sin. Theologian ... -
Sinkretisme, akkulturasie en seku lar isasie as probleme in die sending, met besondere verwysing na die sionisme in Suid-Afrika
(North-West University (South Africa), 1981)Die veld wat in hierdie referaat gedek gaan word, is sinkretisme en akkulturasie. Daarmee saam moet seku larisasie noodwendig ook aan die orde gebring word. Maar om bloat 'n studie van bogenoemde verskynsels te maak, ... -
Die skrifbeskouing van Sakkie Spangenberg : ? dogmatiese studie
(North-West University, 2011)This study examines the validity and reconcilability of the Scriptural view of Sakkie Spangenberg with regard to Reformed Dogmatics. Spangenberg questions the fundamental truths of Christianity, including the descent of ...